Hey, since Durls gonna be able to make it back in town for this market day he was hoping to maybe gets some people to keep trying that tower thing. Durls a pretty good fighter, so maybe we need a fixer like Elysia or Sae Aska, and a burner maybe like ums Arkemidies en another guy, like ums, Kevar or Marcena or someones.
Whoevah wants to come you gotta promise Durl ta come and not be busy on Saturday morning early and Sunday morning early. Durls done the first ten, but he could maybe does em again if someone new wants to come.
Let Durl know!
Whoevah wants to come you gotta promise Durl ta come and not be busy on Saturday morning early and Sunday morning early. Durls done the first ten, but he could maybe does em again if someone new wants to come.
Let Durl know!