Cimbing the Tower some more.


Hey, since Durls gonna be able to make it back in town for this market day he was hoping to maybe gets some people to keep trying that tower thing. Durls a pretty good fighter, so maybe we need a fixer like Elysia or Sae Aska, and a burner maybe like ums Arkemidies en another guy, like ums, Kevar or Marcena or someones.

Whoevah wants to come you gotta promise Durl ta come and not be busy on Saturday morning early and Sunday morning early. Durls done the first ten, but he could maybe does em again if someone new wants to come.

Let Durl know!

I'll go, Durl. I've a question or two for the tower. Rouse me if I'm not up and about.
Elysia said:
I'll go, Durl. I've a question or two for the tower. Rouse me if I'm not up and about.


If I'm around, I'll go with you.

You ken comes of course if we finds a blastah too, but Durls lookin fer more of a promise den, maybe if I'm there I'll comes, ya gotta makes sure ta be available even if a big ol orc hauls off and hits you on the head earlier in the day or somethin....

I will free myself on Saturday and Sunday morning. And if you catch me asleep when you are wanting to go, feel free to hit me a few times. After all, a promise is stronger than a few extra minutes of rest.

See you there Durl.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Hums, so Kevar en Elysia are the first to promise to comes with, Maybe Stoneskull would be okies too, but we needs some of that magicks cause sometimes theres trolls en stuff that needs burning or something so too many fighting guys isn't good.

Any of you melters out there wanna comes with?


Ah'm comin' to visit Marcena very soon, should be d'ere about de time you're goin' to d'is Tower. She says you are one of de bestest folk 'round hear an' dat is always good to help you, so if you be needin' some aid, ah got some magic an' ah'm fairly adept with mah blades, an' one of em is particularly good at killin' trolls bein' as it's always got some fire in it for killin' such critters. Feel free to come find me stayin' wit' Marcena de night a'fore you go an' see if ah'm de type you wan' at yo' side in such places. Wouldn't 'spect you to jus' blindly trust, 'specially a strange Rom in d'at area from what ah hear.

Travel well, and far.

The tower is for real adventurers not your kind. Go Home Gyppo if you know whats good for ya.

Josh Tatcher

(oog please come jeff we really love ya)

I'm sorry that you were raised so poorly as to not be able to identify heroism simply because it is housed in a member of a race you dislike.

Raif is one of the most heroic individuals I have met in recent years and I consider it an honor to fight beside him. Even if I cannot understand half of what he says.

Raif, I know that Icharon you spoke to learned his lesson well. Perhaps you need to educate some of these people.

Yeah well maybe i'd have been raised bette rif my PA hadnt been killed off by one of them gyppos.

I aint afraid of no body... I killed a necromancer once.. guilty as charged had the mark to prove it too.

Josh Tatcher

Son of a Martyr and GFW member
...Not upset that i wasnt mentioned...well maybe alittle, its ok, i really dont feel like backtracking though the first twenty some odd lvls again. Those of you whom went with me last can come with me. or ill go by myself. i am in need of the exercise.

Cazik, Master swordsmen.
Ahhh, d'is tower, is it one of d'ese kinds of places d'at remember d'ose who been d'ere and new folks what go traipsing t'rough d'em have to start at de entrance but ol' friends get to return to de furthest-most point dey been to in it? If d'is be de case ah will no be offended if anyone wishes to not have to endure de same challenges twice for no good cause, but will stand by mah offer of help if you still need it or want it.

Goodman Tacher, yours sound like de voice of pain an' loss, an' I can understand d'at, so I take no umbrage at it. From what ah hear, at de end yo' papa was a good man, and a family man, an' de loss of either is somet'ing to be mourned by all. Ah know you do not seek, nor probably accept mah condolences fo' yo' loss, but you have d'em anyways. Know d'at, though it probably don' mean d'at much to you now, ah sweah to you upon de blood in mah veins, you will nevah die by mah hand, nor in mah presence if it be within mah powah to prevent in any way. Ah say d'is not to sway yo' mind nor to curry yo' favor in any way, jus' want you to hear it so sometime down de road de memory of it may connect wit' othah memories you get in life and all o' d'em someday might coalesce into some'tin more d'an unreasoned hate. It's all ah have to offah.

Don't listen ta dat nonsense boy what would you father think? Dat gypsies jest trying to cloud your mind with one of dem gypsie mind tricks... stay away from him and put your anger close to your heart otherwise the same thing that happend to your pa will happpen to your folks.

Bob Kendrake.
Proud GFW
It sounds like we got a good team then, Durl will make sures to get Elysia and Kevar, and Raif, we ken start at the bottom, Durl bets we ken does da first twenty levels in one try den maybe see whats on the next set of floors after that.

Raif, makes sure to bring something burny, ders trolls in the first set of floors for sure en Arkimedes sez they gotta be burned up.

Well, ah got a flamin' long sword what usually do de trick when ah stabs em t'rough de heart when dey be bleedin' on de ground, and one or two spells what'll do de same fo' one of yo' weapons for a time iffin we be needin' it. Ah'll also rummage t'rough mah scrolls fo' any an' all flame spells ah got, but don' know how many. We can' figure it out befo' goin' in.

Bob, I see what your doing to the boy, do not push him in any direction, he needs to see his own way thru these trials in his life. You and I both know that there are some bad traveling folk around, but not all of them are that way. I will give this Raif a chance, I can not say when I will return to town, some of the magistrates still hold a grudge against me and we dont want trouble brought now in these times, but I will be there soon.

Master Blacksmith
If dhere is any room in a group making a tower run, dhen I would much like to go. If any of dhem got acid on dheir skin, dhen I got jus' dhe t'ing for dhem.

I am also looking to make a trip to dhe Temple sometime while I am down dhere. If anyone wants to accomp'ny me.

I'll go with you Marcey. Cazik has the necklace that is the rift to the location. Check with him as well.
Grazie. Is looking so far to be you, me, and Raif for dhat trip. If anyone else wants to go, dhat would be wunderbar.
