Closed Chapter FAQ

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Chief Publicity and Digital Content Officer
New Hampshire Staff
The National Organization has received a number of questions regarding characters/items/etc in relation to the chapters that have left the Alliance. Below are the answers to some of those questions. We are having ongoing discussions so please feel free to reach out with questions that are not addressed here.

What happens to my character if it was housed in a closed chapter?

The character can be transferred to an active Alliance chapter, but for the time being, may be kept in closed chapters and continue monthly blankets. A more robust official policy is being discussed and will come about soon.

What happens to my Restricted Components, Production, Magic Items?

The home chapter of restricted components, production, and magic items never really mattered and still does not! They can still be used as normal.

What happens to my Restricted Catalysts and Ritual Scrolls?

Reach out to your local chapter to see if they are offering any sort of conversion options for these items.

What happens to my LCO Magic Items, Ritual Scrolls, and other LCO stuff?

Officially, you may convert up to 1k PP of scrolls and items (total) into your home chapter. However, individual chapters may have a more generous local policy and we encourage you to reach out to them. As for non-standard LCO items, or more unusual LCO “stuff” such as production and components speak with your local chapter.

What happened to the last few events on the CMA?

All events currently in the CMA are available to be blanketed via goblin stamps and dragon stamps. Events for closed chapters are not eligible for secondary blankets however.

What happens to my Goblin Stamps?

Goblin stamps are still being evaluated and an official policy will be launched soon, however if you have concerns speak with your local chapter owner.

Can I play the same character in multiple games systems/universes?

Play whoever you want in other games and enjoy yourself. We only monitor and record your Alliance character growth and change. Look to those games for their policies about that. However, keep in mind that your xp, experiences, and story from those games have nothing to do with Alliance and should be considered separate.
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