Closer Announcements (updated 10/6/19)


Please review this post periodically; the date of the last update should be in the title).

As we get closer to the season and campaign closer, and as the Plot Team finishes deciding on how to respond to recent character actions (and inactions), we wanted to take a few minutes and share some things.

1) This is absolutely your story, and just because it is the final event, do not assume that the ending is written or that there is a script. If you have any crazy ideas, last minute shenanigans, etc., they may still be options. The decision tree re: how this event and story can play out (based on what you do) is fairly complex, but there's a whole "**** we didn't predict" part, and there's already been a lot of activity in that box over the year.

2) Just because you the player cannot make the event, or choose to NPC, does not mean your character cannot be involved in the story. An IG post will be going out the in next few days with an off-stage story/mission that will run simultaneously with a portion of the event. Simply let Plot know (e-mail post, FB message, etc), with character's identity (and anything you think we might not know, if they haven't been on stage in our tenure) and we'll roll with it. Further, IF you are NPCing and have a characterthat would be involved in the story and you want to, please bring what you need to play your character. There are two expected encounters (one combat, one RP) where it would be easy to let that happen without impacting NPC resources.

3) Speaking of NPC resources- there has been a lot of discussion re: numbers with our current high expected volume. We are taking a "hope for the best, plan for the worst" with some encounters, but expect that there will be some opportunity for easy fence-hopping that should not effect your character, if you are so inclined.

4) We are expecting a much higher turnout, which always makes logistics complicated. Please do whatever you can to have things ready to roll into game as soon as possible. We are currently hoping for a 10pm start, with major plot encounters to roll before midnight (no plan survives contact with the enemy, or the clock, but that's the goal).

5) If you have any rituals (either plot or not) you anticipate casting, the sooner you can arrange your marshals, the better. I spent a lot of time last even with non-plot rituals and I do not anticipate having that flexibility next event, so please broaden your search to your fellow PC rit marshals.

6) We are strongly considering doing something unusual re: treasure distribution (to minimize drama, maximize story, and to ensure that there is as clean a slate as possible for Ascension in 2020). To that end, I would just ask you to trust us, and if you play and can avoid it, please don't leave the event to head home without talking to Plot.

7) This may be the most important- PLEASE LET US KNOW WHO YOU ARE PLAYING. We have LOTS of plans, but don't have the reactive energy to spend too much time writing encounters for a bad assumption.

8) 10/6 update- The Mists travelling to and from Tar Navaria are extremely thick, as if gathering for some specific purpose. They have become visible in the early morning and twilight hours. Also of interest is a near complete lack of undead in the areas around both the various former baronial Watchstones and Fairdale. While the undead presence typically grows stronger this time of year, the distinct lack seems oddly jarring.

Thank you!
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