Clothing Repair and Nail Painting Services


Hello fellow adventurers! Starting at the beginning of the new year I will be offering several new services to the community!

Basic Clothing Repairs and Nail Painting!

Basic Clothing Repairs will be priced based on the extent of the repair required. Do you have little holes in the tabbard you've worn to fight or farm a few too many times? Let's see what I can do to fix those up for you! Prices may also be negotiated for in service.

Nail Painting will have a starting cost of 4 silver, but services may also be traded. An art I've learned from a talented gypsy woman brings a little brightness to a dreary day. For 1 additional silver, I have a treatment that can be applied that will dry the paints on your nails within minutes, so you can easily continue on with adventuring, but with a little extra style!

Feel free to contact me for an appointment, or if there is available time, I would be delighted to work in our spare time.

The list of services offered may be forever-expanding.

Have the happiest of days,