Any available Alliance Members and those interested in learning more about Alliance.
886 S Circle Dr, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Table: Fri: 5:00PM to 8:00PM (No Help Needed, Don't waste the gas) / Sat: 10:00AM to 6:00PM
Modules: Sat: 11AM-1PM, 2PM-4PM, 5PM-7PM Mod Slots
Modules need NPC on Saturday.
Let me know here or under our FB Page if you can help out or email me at njt111381@gmail.com
Your volunteer time at Colorado CosmicCon will be awarded with both Dragon Stamps and Goblin Stamps. Dragon Stamps are a highly valuable currency of reward in Alliance. Volunteering to work at conventions is the easiest way to earn Dragon Stamps. Goblin Stamps are great for buying potions and other equipment for your character at events, or buying Experience Point blankets for up to 3 past events if you were already a paid Member for that term. The amount of your award of either Dragon Stamps or Goblin Stamps is variable for working at the show, and commensurate with the number of module runs/hours you work, and your effort while volunteering. It's phat loot, though, and totally worth it!
In Game Attire as best you can, also note we are going to be out in the courtyard doing the demos, so please dress warm or bring some extra clothing to help with staying warm.
( Thanks Trace for the format!!! )
Updated: 18March2015
Update Notes: Mods Times, Table Times, and NPCs Needed for Saturday Only
Added Dress bullet
Updated Dates to Correct ones >,<
Any available Alliance Members and those interested in learning more about Alliance.
886 S Circle Dr, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Table: Fri: 5:00PM to 8:00PM (No Help Needed, Don't waste the gas) / Sat: 10:00AM to 6:00PM
Modules: Sat: 11AM-1PM, 2PM-4PM, 5PM-7PM Mod Slots
Modules need NPC on Saturday.
Let me know here or under our FB Page if you can help out or email me at njt111381@gmail.com
Your volunteer time at Colorado CosmicCon will be awarded with both Dragon Stamps and Goblin Stamps. Dragon Stamps are a highly valuable currency of reward in Alliance. Volunteering to work at conventions is the easiest way to earn Dragon Stamps. Goblin Stamps are great for buying potions and other equipment for your character at events, or buying Experience Point blankets for up to 3 past events if you were already a paid Member for that term. The amount of your award of either Dragon Stamps or Goblin Stamps is variable for working at the show, and commensurate with the number of module runs/hours you work, and your effort while volunteering. It's phat loot, though, and totally worth it!
In Game Attire as best you can, also note we are going to be out in the courtyard doing the demos, so please dress warm or bring some extra clothing to help with staying warm.
( Thanks Trace for the format!!! )
Updated: 18March2015
Update Notes: Mods Times, Table Times, and NPCs Needed for Saturday Only
Added Dress bullet
Updated Dates to Correct ones >,<
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