Coming THIS event!

The girls of gaming.. in a HAWT calendar format!

The REAL Girls of Gaming 2010 Calendar (as seen on Facebook) and will be available this weekend for purchase at the event. HQ will be selling them at logistics... IF and ONLY IF they run out, Tab will have additional copies for sale, which will net you GS in the Crossroads campaign.

Questions? Please email me or Tab at

Thanks for supporting a new Alliance chapter and awesome gamer chicks!

GM, Alliance Crossroads
Can't wait to a buy a copy! I have it on good authority that this Calendar is totally off the chain.
Toddo cannot bring his calendar to work. Approved!
MSRP is $15.95.

I know this past weekend we were selling them for $20 cash (optional, but everyone paid the extra) and giving extra gobbies to avoid the joys of making change.

It is up to HQ what pricepoint they will set. :)