Coming to find something within myself


I have been in the midst of a inner battle with rage for a couple months now. As a stone elf this is not logical for myself to feel such a tense mood. Much has transpired within the world of the forgotten lands but no one remembers. My recollection of years past have been foggy.
But I need to see new lands and experience new worlds. I know some from these lands and have been in discord with them. But new findings will hopefully make a friendship.
I seek only the chance to express my battle rage on the field as I think it may help put me back on track. A fighter I am not but one may think it as I don't fear anything.
I hope I am recieved well in your lands and shown around as I am curious about forein lands.
See you soon.

Pyke, of the Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari

I am a Stone Elf in the land of Terra. please seek me out. I should not be hard to find.

~Aramis Seablade
Rage is not a bad thing young one. There was once a time when all of our race felt the golden rays of emotions shine upon us. However, to not contain the fiery passion within will only lead to destruction that our people once faced before Illumina turned her gaze upon us.

If you seek questions, or answers, come to my Tower and my apprentices can surely fill you in. If the trip is too much, perhaps you can find the one known as Aramis.

Archmage Jasper
I have done much study about my race and know the extent the destruction the golden elves did for greed and pleasure.
I look to adventure and be free of mundane thoughts of my home land for at least a market day

Aramis, it will be great to see another stone elf adventure. As I am around my kin most the time I see few others from other places.
I do come prepared to fight. I am good with my bow and sword and have other things to help if needed. I'm sure there will be need of a fighter or rouge.
My Lord Archmage, does it not behoove us to associate only with those whose presence may confer some tangible benefit, should certain events transpire as anticipated?

Apprentice Antigana
RiverSide Beach Party
My Apprentice,

Our business shall be carried out as planned at the time and place. My master has even agreed to grace us with his presence as well.

As for this new kin to these lands, I merely wish to get him up to speed of what is to come. I felt the brave liberators of Su L'Air would do just that.

Archmage Jasper
My Lord Archmage,
I shall certainly defer to your superior judgement and foresight.

Apprentice Antigana
RiverSide Beach Party

Long time no see. I could almost believe you could forget me. I won't go around messing your name in a land that is new to us both, but if you're gonna be in Wayside this weekend I'd love to catch up! Finally. A reasonable excuse to make the trip.

Yes keladry I haven't forgot about you. I have been in such a disarray with new adventures coming into my lands that I haven't had time to travel much but it has gotten to that point where I must or a terrible thing may happen

I have made the mistake of learning by doing by the stunt I did with you. I now look at others to learn from there mistakes. I promise I will not use a adventurer to understand what affects certain potions or alchemy does. I hope no trouble has came from that farm boy.

Much has transpired this year and much to talk about. I will look forward to seeing you.

Pyke Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari
Sounds like there is a tale to hear here. I'm always a fan of stories if either of your would care to look me up around the company's tavern over a couple of blue ales.

-Lord Barrister Enan Bluewater
As I'm not a drinker of ale I am a connoisseur of fine wine. But a tale there is and a tale of a wrong that hopefully be righted this coming market day.
I can make sure there is a bottle at the bar for you.

Oh, if Pyke consents, I'm more then willing to tell the tale, My Lord Bluewater. I don't wish to slander his name unless he approves, of course.

It's a story to tell so others may learn the dangers of certain alchemical substances.