I have been in the midst of a inner battle with rage for a couple months now. As a stone elf this is not logical for myself to feel such a tense mood. Much has transpired within the world of the forgotten lands but no one remembers. My recollection of years past have been foggy.
But I need to see new lands and experience new worlds. I know some from these lands and have been in discord with them. But new findings will hopefully make a friendship.
I seek only the chance to express my battle rage on the field as I think it may help put me back on track. A fighter I am not but one may think it as I don't fear anything.
I hope I am recieved well in your lands and shown around as I am curious about forein lands.
See you soon.
Pyke, of the Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari
But I need to see new lands and experience new worlds. I know some from these lands and have been in discord with them. But new findings will hopefully make a friendship.
I seek only the chance to express my battle rage on the field as I think it may help put me back on track. A fighter I am not but one may think it as I don't fear anything.
I hope I am recieved well in your lands and shown around as I am curious about forein lands.
See you soon.
Pyke, of the Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari