Command effects.

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Love, and other Command effects read thusly:

"Note as well that only one Command effect may be active on the victim at any one time, and the most recent Command effect takes precedence"

Love 9 reads:

"This potion acts the same as the regular
Love Poison except that it cannot be cured or
resisted. It will expire on its own in five days
or upon resurrection"


Are Greater Command effects subject to the one command effect at a time rule?
If so, would Love 9 take effect after a lesser Command effect wears off?
Love, and other Command effects read thusly:

"Note as well that only one Command effect may be active on the victim at any one time, and the most recent Command effect takes precedence"

Love 9 reads:

"This potion acts the same as the regular
Love Poison except that it cannot be cured or
resisted. It will expire on its own in five days
or upon resurrection"

First, it is specifically "Love Potion #9", a "Love 9" call would be a flub.


Are Greater Command effects subject to the one command effect at a time rule?
If so, would Love 9 take effect after a lesser Command effect wears off?

As for your question, no. You can have multiple Greater Command effects on you; if they conflict, the most recent takes precedence, but only until the command is completed, and then you can go back to following your other commands.


And that thread in general.
That mostly answered my question, thanks!
I just wanted a bead on the interaction between Command and Greater Command effects.
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