Common citizen knowledge


I am playing a character who has been living in Andar for 20+ years and I still have a lack of common knowledge due to my OOG newness. For instance last game someone mentioned traveling through the mists and I could only respond with a dumbfounded look. I didn't even know about the mists that separate the chapters (and I am still fuzzy on the details). Can anyone help me with some common citizen knowledge? I feel like that guy who asks someone on the street what a car is sometimes. I know where some things are but beyond that I know very little.
Certainly! Stop me if you've heard this one...

The mists are more of a cross-chapter convention but they are indeed an integral part of the world.

The Mists exist blanketing the earth, segregating bastions of intelligent life in the world of Fortannis. No one can say where the Mists come from or what purpose they serve in the natural order, but strange things happen to people who enter them. Wandering into the mists will cause one to disappear, possibly to wander home again, possibly emerging in some distant land far from familiarity and family. Some claim to be able to control the mists and guide their journey, but even those who allege to have these powers will find themselves thrown into uncertainty by the mists.

Andar is the country in which Alliance-Seattle takes place. Andar is located in a temperate climate (Much like the northwest...). The Kingdom of Andar is ruled by her royal highness Queen Allesiya Filligrino, who has divided the kingdom into four duchies. The duchy of Mountain Shade to the north, the duchys of SilverHold and WestGate to the west and the duchy of Ravencrest to the east and south. Andar is bordered by the former Biata nation of Shalduk to the southeast, the Thoreldrin Mountains to the northeast and the remnants of the Empire of Llantry to the northwest. Andars southern border is the coastline of the Bay of the Labyrinth, leading into the Nel'Ghian ocean. Andars capitol is Silverford, an ancient city which is seated between two forks of the mighty Silver river.
Queen Allesiya Filligrino

Her Royal Highness Queen Allesiya Filligrino is the Queen of Andar. She resides chiefly at the royal palace in Silverford, an ancient city which is seated between two forks of the mighty Silver river. The Queen ascended the throne two years ago, at the age of seventeen and has been Andars sovereign through some of its most tumultuous times. Surviving numerous assassination attempts, political upheaval and an armed rebellion instigated by a foreign foe, Queen Filligrino has also headed the nation through several armed conflicts with Llantry, the Undying Isles and the troll Army of Rogthok. The Queen is a fair ruler, her subjects are very fond of her and she has been known to make personal appearances around Andar to boost morale. The Queen has only resurrected one time and is a strong figure-head who is expected to lead Andar through this dark age.
Iron Falls (The IG location of the Camp Sheppard site)

The small mining community of Iron Falls resides on the northwestern border of Andar. Ruled by the Baron Shikar al'Basteua, this community has recently become inundated with adventurers, nobility and the trouble that follows them. After the controversy regarding some residents enslaving the seemingly unintelligent native cave hulks, this town has been under watch by a number interested parties, some looking to capitalize on the influx of gold from so many visitors and others more interested in what lies below the town. Rumors abound as to what exactly exists below Iron Falls, but with so many interested parties, the truth is bound to make it's way to the surface.
The Crossroads (The IG location of the Millersylvania site)

The Crossroads, also known as the Corssroads of Fate, was previously located on the southern border of Andar, along the shore of the Bay of The Labyrinth. More recently part of the town has found itself relocated to the duchy of Westgate. This town was divided into quarters and supported a population of several thousand, though this value was constantly in a state of flux, caused by domestic and foreign immigrants, travelling merchants, dignitaries and an inundation of refugees from Llantry and Shalduk.
The Crossroads was composed of four quarters. The Adventurers quarter, the Noble quarter, the Trade quarter and the shipyards.

Of these four parts of the city, The Adventurers quarter was the only portion to be moved to it's new home in Westgate. The Adventurers quarter held the constantly growing population of warriors, healers, mages, mercenaries and thiefs who prefer the adventuring life-style. Within this quarter you will find one tavern, a regional branch of the Andarian healers guild, and the Brotherhood of the Star, a guild of celestial mages. Many adventurers own residences or shops within this quarter, running businesses or engaging in trade to supplement the income from adventuring.

Since the move the Adventurers quarter has found itself scaled down to a fraction of it's former size, though the more adventurous individuals in the region still find themselves frequenting this place and the escapades that such a life promises.
The Magistratum

The Magistratum is a private organization of healers and mages working towards the development and research of magic in all its forms. The Magistratum employs those proficient in magic and those who are not, though those with martial skills are largely relegated to menial tasks including guard duty and escort to higher ranking officials. Those with skills in magic, regardless of which school the individual studies, can find a position relative to the extent of their knowledge. The Magistratum often employs contractors and can be convinced to provide aid to adventurers or the government for payment. It is rumored that the Andarian government and nobility have funded The Magistratum to perform studies and experiments that the public would find disturbing or immoral, though the secrecy of this society has kept any substantial evidence from emerging regarding these accusations.
Keep in mind that that is all 'common' knowledge IG, and that while most of it is true, some of it might only be part of the story or wholly false, but very few people know those details IG. (For example, we wouldn't tell you if the queen was secretly the evil fey of Necromancy and Doom out to destroy you all, but we would tell you all of that stuff, muwahahaha.)

Great stuff. You guys should compile it all into a player packet, plus stuff like "if you are a <race>, you probably come from <place>, which is like <space>"


Whoa, I'm a poet and unaware of my occupation.
Hehe, thanks. I've been working on it for a while, we've actually made this information available on the Alliance Seattle wiki(which we've posted about but didn't get much interest in) along with other topic's we've written about. The Wiki didn't generate much interest so the thing's we've been writing haven't been updated there lately. The Wiki is open for members to join if you want to write a biography for your character or someone else's character. Just check yourself lest I moderate you. :D