Though I am echoing the advice given by everyone else, here is my two cents.
First find out what Chapter of Alliance LARP is nearest to you. Then get in contact with a staff member from that chapter, and maybe set up a time to talk with them. In Southern Minnesota we have fight practices, these are great opportunities to get a little glimpse of the game.
After talking with a staff member, and possibly attending a fight practice its time to start thinking of going to an event! There are two ways to play at an event, as a Player Character or as a Non-Player Character. I would recommend playing as a NPC for your first event, you will be exposed to a large variety of skills when you are playing the various monster cards; you will also get to experience the combat system, and see different types of Player Characters. However if you feel comfortable playing as a PC, GO FOR IT! For my first event I was a PC, all I did was hang around with one of the more experienced Alliance players and learned from them, it was a great way to get to know the game.
Most of the information that you would want to know before your first event is easily accessed. You can ask on this forum, speak with a staff member of a local chapter, or visit the chapter websites. The websites that I would recommend are and (I have to plug my own chapter's website!...after all I made it

) If by any chance you are in the Midwest area, the Southern Minnesota chapter is a new chapter that will be beginning its campaign early this spring. It would be a great opportunity for you to start in that chapter, because almost all of the other players will be making/playing newer characters. Of course any chapter will be great to start out in, I just had to mention my home turf!
Alliance LARP is unique in the sense that it is heavily Roleplaying Based, while still providing intense combat. In essence it has it all! Feel free to send me a private message if you have any further question. Hope you have a great time playing Alliance, and I will see you at an event!!
Have a great Thanksgiving,
Brent Woodward (SoMN Webmaster and Player)