Completely Oblivious



My name is Berta and I just joined.
My boyfriend and I are very exited by the opportunity to be able to experience this.
It seems great.

What is the first thing I should do? Should I pay the yearly fee and how? Online?

Where are some recommended places to affordably aqcuire costumes?

What are some of the must knows and chagenlles of this?

ANy information would be completely wonderful. Thank you soooo much. I am really exited to meet you all. :D
Hi, Berta! Welcome to Alliance and we're glad to have you!

One of the first things I would do would be to decide which chapter you will be primarily playing least for your first game. Then, contact the staff there to ask about membership fees, event schedules, etc. They can help you with the basics.

Costuming really depends on what you like, and what type of character you want to play. The main webpage has links to pictures taken at various alliance events that will give you a good idea on what the various races look like and what costumes people wear.

Obtaining a copy of the rulebook is a fantastic idea, which can also be done by visiting the homepage, or by visiting

Hey, Berta -- welcome to Alliance. It's awesome, I promise. Lemme try and answer some of your questions:

Berta said:
What is the first thing I should do? Should I pay the yearly fee and how? Online?

That will depend on which chapter you intend on playing. Each chapter has its own methods and prices, so it's best to check with individual chapter websites before you do anything else. You can find each chapter's website here: Most chapters allow you to pay online or at the door, but discount it when you pay in advance online.

If you're an East Coaster, the season has sort of rolled to a close for us; if you're a Midwester or Westerner, there's still plenty of Alliance for you to hop onto. But generally speaking, if you're heading for your first event pretty soon, the first thing you should do is figure out the basics: do you want to PC or NPC? If you want to PC, what kind of character do you want to play? What are some things I should bring to my first Alliance event? All that good stuff. :)

Where are some recommended places to affordably aqcuire costumes?

Keep in mind that if you're NPCing, your costuming will be provided for you. Like Joy said, if you're PCing, it often depends on what race you're playing as a lot of our races come from different cultural backgrounds. For instance, a race that lives in the desert probably isn't going to be wearing your standard Medieval Fantasy clothing.

If you're looking for standard Renaissance Faire style clothing, isn't a bad place to start. There's a lot of Medieval Fantasy clothing options though, so make sure to take a swing by google and search some stuff up.

What are some of the must knows and chagenlles of this?

Must-knows? Keep in mind that Alliance is a combat-active LARP and usually in all sorts of weather: you will get dirty, and you'll probably wake up sore in the morning. Extra clothes and costuming if you're PCing is always a really, really good idea.

Challenges can range from person to person. Alliance LARPing is a mix of roleplay and combat; sometimes getting used to Alliance style combat is difficult for some people; sometimes it's the roleplay and staying in character is the hardest part for folks. Go to enough Alliance events and you'll eventually get a handle on it. I suggest NPCing your first few events so you get acclimated to our combat systems and see what we're all about; it also helps you pick out what kind of race you want to play for your character too. :)

Hope this helped!

Caldaria Staff
Also, if your new to LARP-ing or just want to "get a feel" for things before you commit money to costuming and such, I can't recomend NPC-ing enough. Its free (except membership, which for one event is like 5 bucks most chapters), its fun, and it is hands down the best way to learn the game and see what you like. I ALWAYS recomend NPC-ing to new people.

Best of Luck, and if your on the east coast, hope to see you in the spring.
Caldaria Rules Marshal
Caldaria Staff (Monster Desk)

PS: Caldaria is Alliance CT.
Yes, I would certainly agree that NPCing (being a character, instead of a player -- NPC=NON-PLAYING CHARACTER, sometimes called non-PAYING Character) is a fantastic way to get into the game. As an NPC, you will not only have lots of opportunities for learning the rules of the game by playing them, you will do so as a wide variety of different kinds of characters with all kinds of different skills. This way, you can learn if you prefer using different kinds of weapons. You can learn if you like casting spells. You can learn about this different races and classes, as well.

Meanwhile, you will be accumulating Experience Points for your PC (Playing Character) without having to commit to playing any particular kind of PC. By the time you are ready to play as a PC, you will have a better idea of what you want your character to be, what skills you want your character to have, as well as being comfortable with the rules and skill system.

And when your PC comes into game, you will then be able to start at a higher level than a first time PC would. And, you can also come into game with some neat magic items (you will learn about all of these things as you NPC or PC).

The starting costs as an NPC are very low ... and you will not have to worry about costuming until you are ready to PC. YOu can get all kinds of good ideas about costuming, too....and you will meet people who can help you make your costumes, which is very satisfying and a lot less expensive if you make your own instead of buying it. Don't worry if you can't sew. You can learn to sew with the help of some of the really great people that you will find in every Chapter. All you have to do is look around and sk and you will find and learn all that you need. Or, you can find people who love to sew who can make costuming for you at a very reasonable cost ... usually less than if you look to just buy your costuming at a store ... and usually much more suitable for whatever character you decide to play.

So, where do you live. We can help you get into contact with a local chapter and then get you introduced to some of the active players in your area.

And most off all, there is a new Rule Book coming our soon, so make sure that you buy one as soon as it is available. having your own rule book, while not altogether absolutely essential, is a very good idea. Once you get it, do a read through once - at least - and have it at hand at every game. It will really help you understand how the whole Alliance LARP works.
Though I am echoing the advice given by everyone else, here is my two cents.

First find out what Chapter of Alliance LARP is nearest to you. Then get in contact with a staff member from that chapter, and maybe set up a time to talk with them. In Southern Minnesota we have fight practices, these are great opportunities to get a little glimpse of the game.

After talking with a staff member, and possibly attending a fight practice its time to start thinking of going to an event! There are two ways to play at an event, as a Player Character or as a Non-Player Character. I would recommend playing as a NPC for your first event, you will be exposed to a large variety of skills when you are playing the various monster cards; you will also get to experience the combat system, and see different types of Player Characters. However if you feel comfortable playing as a PC, GO FOR IT! For my first event I was a PC, all I did was hang around with one of the more experienced Alliance players and learned from them, it was a great way to get to know the game.

Most of the information that you would want to know before your first event is easily accessed. You can ask on this forum, speak with a staff member of a local chapter, or visit the chapter websites. The websites that I would recommend are and (I have to plug my own chapter's website!...after all I made it :D) If by any chance you are in the Midwest area, the Southern Minnesota chapter is a new chapter that will be beginning its campaign early this spring. It would be a great opportunity for you to start in that chapter, because almost all of the other players will be making/playing newer characters. Of course any chapter will be great to start out in, I just had to mention my home turf!

Alliance LARP is unique in the sense that it is heavily Roleplaying Based, while still providing intense combat. In essence it has it all! Feel free to send me a private message if you have any further question. Hope you have a great time playing Alliance, and I will see you at an event!!

Have a great Thanksgiving,
Brent Woodward (SoMN Webmaster and Player)
Thank you all for all the WONDERFUL infomartion!!
IT really is of lots of help.

I live in the West coast
In the portland chapter
so if anyone lives by I would love
to talk about the specifics of the chapter

Thank you all SO much!!! :D
By the way, though he didn't mention it, the above Cymryc is the owner of the Oregon chapter.

He's getting on in years, forgets sometimes.....

:D should still fly to the midwest...

ok so maybe I am a little pushy...don't judge me!

You should try coming down to the San Francisco Chapter,

Join us... join us... join us...

Berta said:
Thank you all for all the WONDERFUL infomartion!!
IT really is of lots of help.

I live in the West coast
In the portland chapter
so if anyone lives by I would love
to talk about the specifics of the chapter

Thank you all SO much!!! :D
Kevar said: should still fly to the midwest...

ok so maybe I am a little pushy...don't judge me!


Actually, a bunch of us midwesterners from the Chicago chapter are flying out to the January Seattle event. Our trip to Seattle is becoming a yearly tradition, to help recharge the batteries for the coming season out here.