Completion of a Project


The Celestial Guild is proud to announce the completion of our first three new Golems.

Made in co-operation with many members of the adventuring, and noble community. We are excited to announce a new form of Golem that can be piloted in a dream like state. While this means the pilot cannot use any of their personal skills, it allows for the involved pilots to contribute in unique ways safely.

Currently we have two Golems, plus one Golem that seems to be tied to one of the adventurers that was recently seen assisting with some needed clean up near the academy it was being built, to be made available to the Adventurers as a thank you, with more hopefully to come in the future. There are no special skills that need to be in hand to utilize one of these, but the crumble of such a Golem can cause the pilot to take some time to awaken in safety at the guild house. Each Golem can be empowered somewhat with a large number of copper or silver coins. Piles of 50 or 100 can be used, and silver seems to provide a strong effect.

Copper One - This Golem was one of very first test modules, it's resilient, and has some heavy armor plating that can be refit by a skilled blacksmith. However it's frame if damaged cannot be healed. Lightning can energize it to deliver a few effects as if by a skilled warrior.

The Silver Sentinel - Made in conjunction with the earth guild this golem is much more fragile but is able to offer limited healing from it's pool, as well as cure most negative effects, although doing so takes some time and effort.

We are excited to continue this program and look forward to developing future modules!

Loyal Member of the Celestial Guild
If you have time in the next few months. I would like to talk to you.
Thank You.

Dure'dhel,s Student