Components Tied to These Lands


Chicago Staff

There is a project in need of a minimum of 5 of each type of component. I'm looking to those within the adventuring community to search your wares, and see if you're able to contribute to this cause. At the minimum a total of 50 components are needed. Additional components will likely be used to our other projects for this final market day of 1516.

Totals: 26/50
Pyrotis- 3
Feyander- 4
Heartstone- 2
Truesilver- 1
Penna- 2
Fangtooth- 4
Wand- 3
Jetsam- 1
Nightshade- 4

If you do not have any, please try to reach out to those you know or any contacts. I'm certain we can come together to fill this tall and important order.

Keepers: 12
Rag: 5
Jamina: 3 (framed scroll)
Bael: 6

Thank you,
Lord Asher Oakheart
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Including 5 given by Ragnarok, I have 1 Wand, 1 Heartstone, 1 Jetsam, 2 Feyander, and 2 Pyrotis for the cause.

All non traveling components me find will go directly to da keepers of what I k ow is needed. You have my word.

What kind of project is it?

Erick it is a worthy one I will tell you about.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade
Lord Oakheart,
The Adventure Capitalists can contribute some reagents. I will check our stores to see if I have any of the types you're missing.

Asher, I've got 1 Fangtooth and 1 Nightshade
