Components wanted/ for trade


I am looking for components that are feyander, jetsam, nightshade or fangtooth. I am willing to pay gold for them or trade for the cariosus, penna, heartstone or wand that I currently have which are all fresh.

Please let me know if you are interested.
The Legion of the Sun has a bounty of Feyander and Nightshade. Seek out one of our order at the next meet you attend and we can do a trade for components. I hope the road treats you well until then.
-Alcandar Northwind
If you come to Landfall, I have 2 Jetsam and 1 Feyander that I will trade to you. All are fresh, you could trade with people with less-fresh if you wish.

My sister,

I have many of these. I'll send you a private missive on that.


I would like to make a trade with you for components through my family members at the meeting in a few days. I am required elsewhere. Could you send me a private missive with your asking price.
