Concerned and shocked


I have received disturbing news and I am in concerned, SHOCK. My brothers of Blythedale have had a tragic gathering, with one Brother taking a death, The report said a Squire... I Hope not Squire Garathon. I have also heard that one of my Brothers of Blythedale permanently died, it is killing me to think, Khorwyn, Daniel, Baron Drake... or any of my Brothers have met his final end.
Could someone please fill me in...

- Commander Ithica
-The Beast of Tusnia

"Follow me if I advance, Kill me if i retreat, Avenge me if i die"
I am the squire who died this past gather. You need not worry for your Blythedale family - they are alive and well. Goodman Yuri - a Romani - did, unfortunately, die his last death and we mourn his passing.

In service,
Squire Jovunn Rannveig
Know, i worry for YOU just as much little sister as i would any of those closest to me. Much has changed, but never that promise or Vow I made to you the day you became a Squire. I am just as saddened to hear of your resurrection.

It seems the report I got mentioned Blythedale instead of Nordenn. Though not as surprising it is Still as tragic. I mourn with you for your lost companion.

Thank you for your clarification, please be well.

Do not worry for me. If I am not dying, I am most assuredly not taking my squireship seriously enough!