Concerning camping


So, as you all know we will be camping out for the festival of crows. The last time we were at the campgrounds we were swarmed by bugs. So I thought maybe we should create a thread with tips and hints on how to survive the weekend. So, here it is!

Last time I was able to get through the weekend with only a handful of bug bites. I used muskol bug repellant, which you can buy at Wal-Mart for cheep. I then layered myself in it throughout the day. The mosquito patches literally did nothing, same with the cheap bug spray. Muskol is mostly deet, so it does more to repel the bugs. I think you can get expensive army grade stuff that works the same way.

I would love to get some of those Off bug repelling lantern things, and place them in the trees around our tents. It would do something to help thin them out. If people want to put money towards it we could go to Wal-Mart and buy a bunch of bug repelling things and do that.

Other than that ,I recommend lots of water and sunscreen. Bring waterproof stuff if you can as it is likely going to be very wet and hot. There is a river, so if you want, bring swimwear.

If you have any suggestions please leave them here. Together we shall survive the bugs!
I was actually thinking of trying that Mozi-Q pill. It's supposed to be all natural (like b vitamins). I also like the idea of the Off lanterns. I regularly buy stuff with/for Canadian tire money, so I might compare prices between the different stores if we intend to get quite a few of them.

I'm not sure how sunscreen is going to work for me, being a make-uped race. (I was mentioning to Daen last night that I should write to epic and ask them to make a UV resistant line of larp make up.) Although, with my hat and my normal clothing I didn't get any sunburn at FOC last year. As for swimwear, I think I'm going to have to come up with a pair of Kai-skin-pants so she can wade in the river.

Also, bringing lots of water, since there is none on site. And gatorade or sports drink powder. People forget that you lose more than water when you sweat.
I usually coat myself in bug spray, then sunscreen. Once that dries I put on my face paint. You can get stuff that dries fast, like some of the spay on sunscreens. And there are some 2 in 1 varieties that repel bugs and protect from the sun. However I don't think there's a lot of feet in those, so it might not be effective.
I found those Off fans did squat last year, don't waste your money. Have to be careful with the lanterns as they have the candles in them.
as long as the off lantern does not get used as an actual lantern you should be fine. Keep them on a solid table only. no carrying them around with you as a light source.