Congratulations, You've Earned Ashnar's Stamp of Approval...


Sam - a bit too quick to search kills, but a pleasure to have around. You can tag along anytime.
Lucky - a bit too quiet for my liking, but a quick mind and a straight face go a long way. Keep it up.
Squire Foss - read a few negative things about you prior, and Friday night's headlong charge into battle, leaving the line (and everyone you were supposed to be leading) behind you didn't help, but more often than not, you were a humble, no-nonsense type of person, and I respect that. I'd be more than happy to fight and BS with you again sometime. Good luck on your social climb, just make sure you don't let it go to your head like some.
Gandian - You're an elf; that isn't good. Past that, however, you were great. Knew your stuff when you spoke, humble enough to admit when you didn't. Looking forward to making sweet golem loving with you.
Bart - Worse than Gandian, you're a Mystic. I mean yikes. Conversely though, you are completely capable in a fight, and you seem to have your hands in a lot of pies, and that is to be respected. I'd beat you up anytime you needed it, champ.

If you didn't make the list, try not to suck so much when (as long as your nobles make the right decision) I return.

Re: Congratulations, You've Earned Ashnar's Stamp of Approva

I'm shocked, crestfallen, and flabbergasted I did not make you list, although not surprised. I was impressed by your ability to fight, disappointed by your lack of desire to do so at times. I am sure my desire to not have you verbally run over the local nobility was part of your irritation, I mean who would not desire that your wishes at recognition be granted immediately by a Lady still grieving her father's death.

I was as disappointed in your methods as I was impressed by your ability, perhaps in the future it will be better. Judging from Tadron's talk with me, it seems somehow I am being held responsible for insufficient payment being offered by a town under siege, I suppose I can shoulder that burden if necessary, generally when I hire mercenaries I do so a bit more...explicitly than the lady Fairfax does so you can know what to expect.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
Re: Congratulations, You've Earned Ashnar's Stamp of Approva

I didn't realize you could be "too quick" (excluding certain, ahem, activities).
Re: Congratulations, You've Earned Ashnar's Stamp of Approva

Mr. Bluewater,

If I may intercede. I was there over Tadron's back picking his pockets but, I was also listening to the conversation you two had. I think you may have missed the point. He was asking that the town as a whole do a better job of splitting up treasure. There were a lot of problems with that this weekend. I myself spent more then I made. By the times I had gotten to a point where I could search stuff because of all the fighting, their pockets were empty. What Tadron was looking for is someone to step up and put an end to the searching in combat or holding out of treasure from big town battles. Like a smart adventurer, Tadron didn't stop fighting to pick up loot, he kept on fighting until there was nothing left. As a noble (read that as leader if you'd like) he came to you instead of taking the law into his own hands to get what he viewed as partially his property. I'd take that as a pretty high compliment, I don't know Tadron that well but he strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't sit around and wait for something he wants.

Lastly, I think you can make Ashnar's list some day. It'll take some work but, I think you can get there. For starters, when someone offers you an army, take the army. I still have it and if you ask nicely I may let you play with it when the inevitable war comes. Believe it or not, none of us our interest in working against the town. Well maybe me slightly. But, you can only fight your nature so much right? But, with our stock things like titles don't earn respect. Actions do.

Re: Congratulations, You've Earned Ashnar's Stamp of Approva

Last I checked, shocked and surprised were synonymous, Lord Enan; you cannot be one and not the other. Yet, a man such as your intellect would surely know that, so of course, you meant you were literally shocked by my words, and as such, that is amazing. While I've always known my words have power, that takes them to a whole new level. I hope you won't charge me for assaulting a noble, however, as my electrifying words were unknown to me, and I will do my very best to hone and control them in the future. Just another side effect of being this amazingly awesome, I fear.

As to her Ladyship Fairfax, no immediate nature was thrust upon her. If you had stayed at the table long enough (instead of leaving in a tiff), you would have heard as much. Really sir, I thought you'd have better control over your emotions; you wouldn't want people to start thinking you're as fiery as Ashnar Runebeard, now would you? Why, what ever would they think at court?

As to my methods, I take your disappointment with a smile. Few truly understand them. None argue their results. The situation becomes quite simple, really. If one's ultimate goal is to protect the common people who cannot fight for themselves, I am unavoidably invaluable. Pride and short-sightedness might blind you and yours from seeing that, but if that is the path taken, the unneeded lost lives are on your heads, and that is a blanket I doubt you can warm yourselves with at night.

And worry not, Enan, your doling out of treasure didn't upset me in the least. I thought treasure was sparse for an assortment of reasons, but none of them involved any pettiness on your part.

All of our fun, witty, barbed banter aside, the fact is that a title does not make a man or woman. Use them for the common folk at your pleasure. For we adventuring ilk, however, actions mean much more. Take Sir Silverleaf, for example. He was a just another man before he was a knight. His men followed him before he had a title. They did such because of the character he held, because of the blood he spilled with them, and because of the lives he'd saved. Now he has a title, and that's all well and good. Yet, by my prompting the question (which again, you were not there to hear), he agreed that if he were to have that title taken away from him, his men would continue to follow him loyally. That is point, Lord Enan, and I truly believe that one day you will understand it as well as I do.


A. Runebeard