Considerations for Rain

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey y’all,

Just a heads-up: Looking at the upcoming forecast for the National Event, we may be anticipating some rain during the event. By all that we can see, it shouldn’t be super heavy amounts of rain and should only be during portions of the day rather than constant, but nonetheless, we want to prepare our playerbase for what rain may entail. Please consider the following points:

#1: Do what you can to bring extra dry clothes, socks, etc.! Trust me, if you get wet, it’ll feel really nice to change into something that isn’t soggy once the rain quits.

#2: If rain is super heavy, it is entirely likely that people’s first impulse is to get inside, which is entirely reasonable. That said, we currently have a lot more PCs and NPCs than we usually do for events, and stuffing everyone into our tavern building at once may be difficult, especially when keeping COVID considerations in mind. A big part about being able to prevent a COVID spread at an event like this is to keep ourselves outside and spread out a bit, but huddling inside from the rain makes that concept more difficult.

If you are taking shelter from the weather, we are asking all players that you do your best to spread out into multiple areas as much as able to help mitigate the risk of COVID issues. There are many sheltered areas on the site besides the tavern building, including the many cabins, medical lodging building, multiple pavilion areas, and the bathhouse. With proper consideration, we should be able to keep everyone inside while keeping risk of COVID transmission to a minimum.

Thanks in advance, and hopefully any potential rain won’t put too much of a damper on things!
