Continuing our habit of Town Meetings


San Francisco Staff
G...greetings, everybody. I apologize for the lateness of this dream. I have been busy transcribing notes, from the past few town meetings. I have placed a copy of those in the Clerk's library, and I will have a copy with me at the gather. Both are available for reference to any of the White Ten..tenebrous Walkers.

I'd like to continue holding meetings so that we may exchange information. At the last gather, it was it was agreed that the meeting be held at 11 bells on the Friday that we gather. I will be prepared to meet at that time in the Broken Tome. I hope you will join me.

Also, we sp..spoke about making these meetings a regular feature of our gathers. I would be delighted to continue to organize them for as long as people find them useful. I will plan on holding such a m..m...meeting every gather going forward. We can decide on a regular hour to hold them after seeing how the Friday evening time for everyone.

(OOG: The Clerks' library is viewable here: The Town Hall section is here:
My apologies for the lateness of this message. It has been some time since we have met, given the brevity of our recent gathers. I would be happy to facilitate a town meeting at the coming gather — 11 bells on Friday, in the Broken Tome, seemed to work well enough. If people would like to discuss our progress on our continued group endeavors, bring any new issues or information to the group, or simply hear what others have to say, please join us.

Pluvianella Charbonneau