Controlled Spirit Store


Chicago Staff
I've always been interested in casting such a feat. I'm wondering if there is anyone who recently performed the ritual that would be willing to talk about about the magics involved with it.

What is special about the magical catalyst involve and how is a spirit tied to such an object?

You can reach me at the earth guild of Horizon.

- Druid Asher
I think Jane was gonna cast one a few years ago, 'cause he asked me where he could find one of them Seeds you need for it. Now that I think on it, though, he musta not bottled himself, since I didn't have to have him killed that many times before he went down... Guess ya can't really chat with him about it.

But yeah, I know a good bit about that Seed catalyst. What's it worth to ya? I like gold, catalysts, stuff done for me, and combinations thereof.

- Linko, the Goblin King
King Linko of the Goblins,

I would gladly exchange another catalyst, or some other service for it's location. Again, I thank you for your contribution towards the auction last fall.

- Asher
Well, since ya bring my up my favor I did for ya for that auction, let's have us an even trade: A favor and a catalyst, as provided by me, for a favor and a catalyst, as provided by you. My favor's already been given, and my directions that'll send you straight to where you can get one of those Seeds is as good as a catalyst itself, so you owe me one of your catalysts and I'll also think of something you can do for me.

So... lemme know what catalysts ya got so I can pick me a good one!

- Linko the Goblin King

The location will be fine with me. I'll send you a pigeon with what I have available to trade, assuming you are in a location that will allow safe avian travel.
