Convention Coordinator: Crypticon!


[Updated: May 22, 2013]
I am putting out a call for players to come help Sean Graczyk and I at Crypticon Seattle (! This is our most ambitious event at a convention to date as it will involve several pieces:
1) From 5-8 pm on Friday, 5-9 pm on Saturday and 12-2 on Sunday in Crystal C at the Seatac Hilton -- we will be looking for people to show up at 4 pm if possible. On Saturday and Sunday, con opens up at 11 AM, so 10-10:30 AM is optimal for showing up.
2) Two days of open space for us to run whatever Friday and Saturday
3) A fifteen minute demo space on stage in the dealers hall at 6 pm I believe.
4) If doable, they are offering us the opportunity to put together a promotional trailer for Friday.

As far as the blocks go, Brian Johnson and Ron Leota have offered to do some writing for basically hour long mods for attendees to participate in lead by experienced adventurers. We will need expressive people to fill in these roles who are good with people who are just learning the game to make it fun. More information on that as it comes.

As for the two days of open space, we'll need energetic people who are great talkers and enjoy swinging sticks and throwing packets to help demonstrate some of the combat aspects of our game all day long on Friday and Saturday.

This is a call out for any players, local and nearby, who can come in. The costs for staying at the hotel are at a beautifully low rate of $104/night. If this is a cost prohibitive option, there are players who are nearby, myself included, who would be ok with putting up people for the weekend.

Again, this is our most ambitious convention event to date. We really want to demonstrate that our game is super cool and that we have amazing players, incredible stories and a great system for people to get involved with. If you have questions, comments or interest, get a hold of me or Sean here or on the forums. Thank you!

Gabriel De Los Angeles
Convention Coordinator
Alliance Seattle

Current plot writer list:
Brian Johnson
Ron Leota

Current volunteer list:
Sean Graczyk
Cassandra Johnson
Brian Johnson
Denise Brown
Adam Fenerty
Barbara Martin
Seth Bird
Sean Blount
Nikki Blount
Emily Shettel
Tony Mungo
Nick Bond
Ron Leota
Mike Lamphere
Shane Renner
Kyra Davis+3
I did not get the time on site to talk with anyone before this weekend's event.
I am going to be looking at heading to Seattle for a night of face time with people so that we can hopefully get the stage production organization started (and a look at the script we are working with).
Right now, April 27 or May 11 would be the options available. I have quite a few hats in the air, so I want to try and do this with the most people possible and possibly get some squad leaders (we will need someone to man our sparring space while the stage show goes on, various costume wranglers, and hopefully a camera person or 2).

(also bump, more bodies even if for a few hours out of the day will always be welcome).
I'm good to meet either day, and happy to help out doing anything. :)
Emily said:
I know that the 11th is the Millersylvania Clean-up day, so maybe in the evening after that?

Thanks for the reminder. I think that would be good. Granted, we might be too tired to do it that evening but the following day would work. Make a weekend with my friends. :D
I'm free either day.
Hey Sean, if we end up doing stuff the weekend of the cleanup, you've got a place to crash again.
kender159 said:
Hey Sean, if we end up doing stuff the weekend of the cleanup, you've got a place to crash again.

I think that would be the best option.
Saturday clean up.
Saturday night, grab a few drinks and play a bit.
Sunday, planning meeting.
Oh you did put me on the list!

Well I need a ride up there, otherwise I won't be able to go. So you are aware. Otherwise I don't mind helping at all. I may even get a press pass from DarkMedia. :)
Well greetings all, a few things.

1) Now that the Millersylvania cleanup is not a thing, nothing is planned in the works for prep.
2) We don't need need to do much prep as the extent to what we will be doing with our time at Crypticon will be either running a training/practice area and then running a couple of mods. So prep time will be pretty minimal and pretty easy to get into. A huge set of thanks to Ron Leota and Brian Johnson for jumping on board with us as writers.
3) Our times at Crypticon for running things appears to be changing from Saturday-Sunday to Friday-Saturday, so good for some of our Oregon visitors who may be wanting to get heavier involvement out of Crypticon weekend.
4) If you seek to have crash space up here or have a hotel room, please let me know so we know who all needs a place to crash still vs who all has a place to crash already. I want to make sure that all of the volunteers are taken care of for putting in their hard work into this.
5) If you want to go to Crypticon but not volunteer for Alliance and just be an awesome person there at Crypticon, let me know. I might be able to work out some deals for you for tickets in, especially if you have a whole group of you.

If you have any questions, comments or responses to crash space needs, feel free to ping me here or on FB! Only three weeks left until Crypticon!

Gabriel de los Angeles
Convention Coordinator
Alliance LARP Seattle
Just a quick bump for those who've missed the updates. Please check the original post here for all the details on this upcoming weekend at Crypticon!

Gabriel de los Angeles
Convention Coordinator
Alliance LARP Seattle
A huge thank you goes to the volunteers for Crypticon this weekend from both the Seattle and Oregon chapters. Thank you one and all for volunteering. Dragon stamps aren't enough to demonstrate my appreciation for how awesome everyone was during con and after hours:

Seth Bird
Nikki Blount
Sean Blount
Denise Brown
James Courtright
Kyra Davis
Sean Graczyk
Brian Johnson
Cassandra Johnson
Barbarrossa Martin
Fernando Moreno
Anthony Mungo
Matthew Salazar
Emily Shettel

We can't get the word out without volunteers like you and you deserve all of the praise for all of the work you put in this weekend and then some. Thank you for being a great community that wants to share how awesome it is. I look forward to working with you again soon.

Gabriel de los Angeles
Convention Coordinator
Alliance LARP Seattle