Coordination of activities


So, from discussions on other parts of the dreaming, it seems there was some information that needs to get shared. Mostly my own fault for not spreading some things known among enough of the adventuring community and trying to deal with too much without adequate help, which is why I am putting together this list.

The goal is to keep track of what tasks are needed to be taken care of before or during next market day, and help coordinate what assistance is needed for it. Please join in if you require others' assistance or want to publicize what is happening so others can know.

  • Helping the bearer of the band of life - After several pieces of information were compared, we have concluded that the being known as Briar Sassafras is the current bearer of the band of life. They are an artificial being, created in Atupal by accident by the former residents during the time the city was flying. The child was considered cursed, and locked away with their essence split into five containers in the city, three of which have been opened and two that are left. They are a child who has few constraints, having been immaterial and able to freely manipulate the city for a long time, but nobody to interact with. After the last piece of essence was returned, they were able to travel to the surrounding villages, and mostly goes around causing mischief and playing games. They are still genuinely a kid.
    As a note, they mentioned their 'imaginary friend' had previously been living in the city, likely giving us a clue about The Prisoner.
    • Lure out Briar with games to check if they are OK (recommend bringing his favorite candy: chocolate) - not covered
    • Find the last pieces of their essence in the city - not covered
    • Talk to the former residents of the city about The Prisoner (races with mental powers recommended for using the control room) - not covered

  • Assistance with La Shangre - The city in Skain is home to thousands who have used pods created from technology and magic to extend their lifespans, creating an society that until recently was isolated. With the reinforcement of the seal in the city, along with general lack of long term maintenance, the devices keeping the city functional are failing and endangering the lives of the citizens.
    Please send a missive to me if you need more information.
    • Petitioning the royal protector for assistance - covered by Benjamin
    • Working to keep the city's infrastructure from deteriorating - partially covered by Sam Gemclipper(?) and Quex(?), extra hands would help as it is a big job

  • Research of the flowers of the Aetheric Crossroads - The flowers planted to find a cure for the disease for Magnus's family have also shown to have the possibility of extending the time we can stay in the crossroads, and therefore better able to recover the band of ice and reinforce the seal here. It will require brewers to be able to refine the recipe.
    • Research the silver flowers for the new potion - covered by Adlao(?)

  • Dealing with the Strigoi nests - We have kept the queen of the strigoi bottled up thanks to last market's work, and need to take advantage of this time to clean up the nests as much as possible.
    • Taking out nests
    • Organizing the defenses of the realm against further strigoi attacks

I'm hoping this helps to not miss out of information like this quite so easily again.

-Benjamin Bookworm, Security Chief of La Shangre