As winter approaches and you find yourselves bored in your warm keeps or waiting out the snow storms to continue your quests you might find yourselves going over your treasures.
Well, your friendly neighborhood coyote is offering monies for the following:
Bones of any type (00g: this would be tag treasure)
Eldersteel or if you know how to make eldersteel, inquire privately
And right now I'm paying 1 silver per 9 copper pieces. Inquire on amount because I'm looking for quite a bit but not 100 golds worth.
Well, your friendly neighborhood coyote is offering monies for the following:
Bones of any type (00g: this would be tag treasure)
Eldersteel or if you know how to make eldersteel, inquire privately
And right now I'm paying 1 silver per 9 copper pieces. Inquire on amount because I'm looking for quite a bit but not 100 golds worth.