I have made seveal shirts and a few other things. I will have them for sale at lagistics for the weekend. they will be 20- or less. Collar shirts will be 25- . Also there are now a lot of make an offer, average cost 5- to 10- costumes there as well just like last time. If someone wants me to reserve something spacific please let me know. I will also have some leather armor goods as well. For those already doing custom costumes I am only trying to make sure all feel welcome to the ball. In the past I have brought a lot of costumes extra from my personal stock. We seem to average between 5 to 8 people who stay in their cabins or go off sight for a looooong dinner. They have voiced to me they dont feel comfortable being in their regular garb. So If you have garb you never wear any more ,and can live withj seeing it being someone elses ,please join me in the costume at a bargin rack at logistics.