Costuming help


Does anyone have a sewing machine that I can borrow/come use for some power costuming before the event?

I've got one at my mom's place, though I doubt you can use it this weekend. I will be over there rushing to get my Sakura Con costume done in time. Yes, I also delay till the last minute when sewing costumes.

You also might try asking Val or Rebecca. I'm certain they each have one, though whether or not you can use either remains up to them.

You can keep me in mind as a last resort.

Doesn't look like I've got any other options. Any chance on me making use of it for a couple hours some time this week/weekend?

My machine is out on loan too. I hope to get it back tonight or tuesday night.
if I get it back i will email you. You could use it here if youd like. I will keep in touch
mine happens to be sitting here unused in my room but i am in bellingham sorry!
Got my machine back
Got my machine back last night!
I am doing a bit of sewing myself but if you still need to use one you are welcom to come by and use it here. I live in Mukilteo now just about 3 miles off the speedway.I cab sew in the daytime and you can use it after work etc. Give me a call 425-493-7032.
I would be happy to let you use mine.
Friday work for you Val? I can stop by Joann's afterwork and get my fabric, then head back out that way. I actually work out in Mukilteo.
Sounds great to me, any questions on directions just let me know.
See you friday
I'll give ya a call tomorrow eithe ron my lunch or after work. Thanks Val!
Hey, Val... says that number is disconnected! Call my cell!


