Costuming Needs!!!!!

Hey guys!

Not only did the rats eat all of our packets, they also ate and pee'ed and pooped on all of our costuming. We had to throw out a lot of our costuming and costuming props.

So! We are in need of the following costuming items.

Black and Brown Leather belts
Aura bags

The better the material the more goblin stamps you will get.

Please guys in order to make this a better game we could really use your help in all this.

PM me if you plan on donating anything for the opener.

Having already spoke with the GM, the props committee is offering a 10 gobbies for every dollar spent in donations. We can really, really use every bit of help we can get, most of all those tunics!
There will be a PM coming once I have a chance to sort through things. i do not have allot that I can permanently part with but I should have a few shirts, tunics, one long leather vest , a pouch or two etc. that I can spare. Quality will vary but nothing is junk (I have chosen to PC using all of it at some point). I will PM you shortly.

Joe S
I know we have stuff that we're willing to part with. Will sort things out & bring what we can.
A lot of what was lost were basic tunics of all sizes, leather armor, prop setting prices etc. Raw cash is huge so we can buy exactley what is needed. Thanks in advance for your help.

Hey I just read the last pots. What else do you need beyond costuming? I might have materials etc lying around or be able to get some things. If you are looking for cash is the standard donation venue off the website where to go? I will see what I can do but I might be near my limits.

Joe S.
The bottom line is really that things need to be cleaned up better at the end of the year. There were bags of packets left in the props room and the tool room. These attract the animals, that then decide to make a nest in the warm place full of food. There was food left in the props room and the kitchen as well, though the kitchen wasn't so bad due to it just being things like spices and tea (which the animals investigated anyway).

We may also want to get rid of the hangers and get locking plastic tubs to put all the costuming in, especially at the end of the year.

A little prevention during and at the end of the season will help mitigate a lot of this. Maybe not all, but a lot.

And yes Mike, it was that bad. I coudn't even go into the props room the first day because it smelled so bad.
Duke Frost said:
The bottom line is really that things need to be cleaned up better at the end of the year. There were bags of packets left in the props room and the tool room. These attract the animals, that then decide to make a nest in the warm place full of food. There was food left in the props room and the kitchen as well, though the kitchen wasn't so bad due to it just being things like spices and tea (which the animals investigated anyway).

We may also want to get rid of the hangers and get locking plastic tubs to put all the costuming in, especially at the end of the year.

A little prevention during and at the end of the season will help mitigate a lot of this. Maybe not all, but a lot.

And yes Mike, it was that bad. I coudn't even go into the props room the first day because it smelled so bad.


And I agree with you about the problem with it not being cleaned enough at the end of the year.
Scott's right and we will fix it. Just need to resupply now.we will handle the rest later.

I don't have much in the way of custuming that I use but I have a tunic that I can part with. I'll pass it off to Henry with some packets to bring for the first event if I can't make this coming work weekend.

A work weekend in November to go through the place, make sure things are packed away for the winter, and some general maintanance might be a good idea after everyone is done using the site.

we really didn't lose any leather armor that I saw. Willow and I were able to clean it up and put it back up. The belts took most of the damage because people just threw them on the floor. It was the cloth clothing that the rats nested in and destroyed.


Yes the clothes were that bad. There were many things that I believe even if we washed we would not have gotten the smell out of. Not to mention the damage the rats caused by eating through some of it. We did find many things that could have been saved. But most of the stuff was cloth clothing and things that were damaged beyond repair. We are at a low on the Tunics, cloaks, and everything else I posted for.
Just got back from the work weekend and yes, all the costumes have been taken home for washing.

So we'll need lots of volunteers on Friday to hang them up and sort them in the props room. If you can show up to help, please do!! You want NPCs in good costumes, right? So help us out! Thanks!

What time on Friday will you be there? I may be able to take the day of work on Friday and get there in the AM if people will be there that early. Unfortunatly, I won't be able to stay later than 7 or 8pm on Friday but I'd be happy to show up, help a bit and say HI!
I'll be there as of Thursday night. Come on up sir
Josh and I will be there starting Thursday afternoon.
I will be bringing new hangers for the closet. Please try to get rid of the wire hangers. I'm gonna bring lotsa plastic ones.