Cowl for Sale!


Hi Everyone,
Due to the cooler weather, I decided to make some nice warm costuming. I have a brand new SUPER warm cowl for sale that is a men's size L/XL. It is double sided with heavy black cotton on the outside and dark gray fleece on the inside. It also has a large double lined hood and 2 woven clasps on the front. The cowl completely covers the shoulders and comes to a point in the front and a point in the back (similar to Durk's furry cowl, if you have seen it).

If you are interested in purchasing it send me a PM and we can figure out a fair price. I will deliever the cowl at the next event. Also, if you are interested in having a cowl or cloak made for this upcoming event in a different size, shape, or color, let me know.

I will also try to get a picture of the cowl up here when John returns from out of town with the camera.

He only comes as a free gift if your name starts with a Doug and ends with a Flemming!

Sad. I so would have bought one with the free prize. I need a pocket fighter!
Now that Dr. FleMMing is SOL.....
