Crafter’s League- Guided Crafting Workshop

The Crafter’s League invites artisans and other tradespeople to a guided workshop to help you prepare your Saturday Production Batches and Superior Equipment crafting!
  • When: Saturday 12:30p-2p during lunch before the Magics Reset ((Remem))
  • Where: The Crafter’s League Table- just in front of the Crafting Station ((near Logistics))
Experienced Crafters from the League will be present to help anyone wishing to learn about crafting in general, or receive some help putting together their list of production and equipment to make that day ((Day 2 Logistics prep)). We’ll have writing supplies for you to pen your list, as well as helpful resources like reference guides and calculation tools. Feel free to enjoy your lunch there with us while we prepare!

If you are a Craftsperson and are not a member of the Crafter’s League, consider joining!
We are a Guild founded by Crafters and Merchants to provide instruction and mentorship for all manner of Crafting for Adventurers, including those just getting started honing their craft. Our Guild promotes a culture of respect and fair compensation for Crafters for the talent, time, goods, and services they provide, which includes providing recommended guidelines for healthy pricing. We strive to enrich the economies of the mistspheres we visit by practicing win-win partnerships in the communities we share space and trade with, especially through our community engagement project: Merchant’s Row!
  • If you are interested in joining the Crafter’s League, please see Guildmaster Sam or Local Trades Ambassador Adlao.
Crafter's League Crest.png