Crafters Competition Rules


As you may have already seen in the newsletter, in addition to the ducal tournament, competitions will be held for various crafty and artistic talents. The in-game rules were already explained in the newsletter, but the out-of-game rules are as follows:

Crafters Competition Rules

1. All items brought to the competition MUST actually be made by the entrant out-of-game. Buying items (or copying songs or poetry etc) and passing them off as being made by you will be considered cheating, and treated accordingly.

2. For the weapon and armor making competitions, your character must actually have enough ranks of blacksmithing in order to make the proper tag for the item you are putting forth. So for these competitions, you must make the weapon/armor OOG and your character must make the tag IG. The rep used need not be brand spanking new (though if it looks like you've had it since 1993 you'll likely lose points from the judges), however the tag must be from a logistics period THIS event. Weapons will be given an OOG safety inspection as part of the judging - they must be combat usable weapons, not strictly ornamental (and of course not REAL weapons!)

3. For the cooking competitions, NO competitors will be allowed to use the tavern kitchen facilities, so plan your dish accordingly. All recipes MUST be accompanied by a full ingredient list so that those with allergies or other food restrictions can be aware of what is in it before eating. If your recipe is a secret you don't have to give exact amounts, but all contents must be listed. As always, players must abide by the no alcohol rule. Food for this competition will be donated to the Ducal Ball.

Good luck everyone!
Can someone enter several crafting competitions? For example a song and a drink? Or even a song, a poem, a sculpture, and a painting?
You can submit one entry to each competition - one weapon, one piece of armor, one food item, one fine arts item/performance.
I really wanted to make this event, but I had some things come up this weekend that are preventing me from getting away next weekend. Even so, I/Perwin want to send up something to enter into the competition. I know the newsletter says times will be announced for each category, but I was hoping someone would be able to tell me when the cooking segment would be taking place. Someone could even PM me if he/she knows ahead of time (I'd stay quiet, of course). I know this is probably a FOIG thing, but again, I won't be there.

My main concern is the dish I'm making is something you want to eat within 24-36 hours for optimal taste, and it's something that needs proper refrigeration. If we'll have access to the fridge, great, but I don't know what the status is on that. I'm planning on making this early Friday morning and hopefully giving it to either Engler or Quigley before they leave.

Aw come on, Gee, is that really, you know, fair to the rest of the poor schlubs who attend the event?

I mean, how would you feel if you worked really hard to win this competition and then you lose to some guy who isn't even there?

What do people think?
This needs to be handled in game. Perwin should find someone to enter the competition - maybe split the winnings if there are any or something. For example I bet someone on Perwin's team (Gilwing maybe?) would be willing to help. OOG it doesn't really matter who drives the contest entry in. I also think we should tell him (and everyone else) the approximate time for food safety.
Fearless Leader said:
Aw come on, Gee, is that really, you know, fair to the rest of the poor schlubs who attend the event?

I mean, how would you feel if you worked really hard to win this competition and then you lose to some guy who isn't even there?

What do people think?
Thanks for the answer - also, does a song need to be original words and music? For example I have set several poems to music but only the melody would be my creation - the words would be someone else's.

Ezri said:
You can submit one entry to each competition - one weapon, one piece of armor, one food item, one fine arts item/performance.
Fearless Leader said:
Aw come on, Gee, is that really, you know, fair to the rest of the poor schlubs who attend the event?

I mean, how would you feel if you worked really hard to win this competition and then you lose to some guy who isn't even there?

What do people think?

Seeing how I will be making enough for the "rest of the schlubs," I don't think people would care much. It's not like I'm making a weapon & writing a poem. I'd be bringing up something that everyone would be able to enjoy. Of course everyone can enjoy hearing a poem or looking at a weapon, but this is food we're talking about. IMO there is a big difference, but I'm sure some would argue that point.

I agree that this should be handled IG, so I'll post something on those boards. I still would like an answer to my OOG questions, assuming there isn't an issue with a food entry from someone not at the event.
It would have to also sing.

And feed itself to us.
Can anyone comment on my earlier question - if we sing a song does it have to be words and music composed by the player? Or can we take someone's words and set them to music?
James Trotta said:
Can anyone comment on my earlier question - if we sing a song does it have to be words and music composed by the player? Or can we take someone's words and set them to music?

Ezri said:
Crafters Competition Rules

1. All items brought to the competition MUST actually be made by the entrant out-of-game. Buying items (or copying songs or poetry etc) and passing them off as being made by you will be considered cheating, and treated accordingly.

It sounds to me like it all has to be original. When you say "someone's words" are you speaking of a personal friend or someone who is an established writer whose work is most likely already copyrighted?
Even if it is a personal friend, if it is writted down, it is copyrighted.
The words must be yours. About the only allowance we'll make is a parody of a song, but even as such, it needs to be ALL your words, not the writer's words that you altered slightly to fit the period.

For example, back in HS we did a parody of Piano Man. The tune was obviously Billy Joel's, but the words were entirely original.
I think it's possible to find written words in the public domain. For example Benjamin Britten set some John Donne poems to music. Did that involve some legal process? I don't know the answer but the head of the music department in my school encouraged me to set some Donne poems to music and there was no legal process then.

Anyway I have to go write some words and music. Maybe I will practice on the car ride to the site as I plan on having a rather large and captive audience in my van.
tieran said:
Even if it is a personal friend, if it is writted down, it is copyrighted.