Crafting Next month


So um, this is kinda embarrassing but I'm just about booked upped on a lot of things already.

I'm making arrows for blacksmithing this time.

Scrolls I have some standing 'Jehyu when ever you aren't buried in orders' orders, so...if ya need something special let me know.

Alchemy is sold out, unless you really need some I could make another batch of cure lights, but they'd cost 2 silvers each cause it'd have to make more runs than usual....I know stocks are low and I'm working really hard on that...honest. Or if you want to put in an order for the second day of the weekend if we are there that long..I guess I could take orders, let me know!

Potion Making - Um I have a half filled order, I'm making sure they still want what they wanted, so um, I'll let people know when I'm sure.

um... on another note...if anyone could maybe pay a little in advance, I don't think I quite have enough to pay my suppliers, I'm really sorry about that, but I had some unexpec...well..anyway, I got some money set aside but not enough for a full run.

Thanks Fern, I'll let you know how much it is when I know

So, I confirmed that my potion order is still on track so that's all full up to, unless people want to pay extra for even another batch, but it would be made up of 2 cure serious and a single cure critical is all and would cost quite a bit.

I don't like to have to say I'm full up already...but so many people need things it's hard to keep up sometimes....

I guess let me know for orders the second day for any of the tasty brew kinda stuff unless you just have to have something.

I am in the need of some arrows.

I can do that! How many do you need I could make ya...140 or so easy, they run a copper a piece so that'd be one gold and 4 sikver, if you need more than that i think I have some spares I could sell and replenish later..

Could you have 40 of those made with a vorpal coating? Do you know how to do that? How much would that cost me? I would still want the 100 regular arrows.

Thanks so much,

um, maybe, but not this time, those take some time to make and I've got about 3 bushel of cure light elixirs to make, I'll do the math and let you know if I can do it the second day maybe but it'll be pretty hard...let me see what I can.

Ok. Thanks Jehyu. If you can, the second day would work for me.

Okay so...if you want 40 arrows coated with vorpals, the one that make you hit as hard as if you shot them with an extra arrow and have a buddy hit them in the face with a mace, assuming no one is super strong like Kendra, that would be um...six gold and six silver total, some people would call that six point six, um, plus the arrows. which is fairly expensive, and I can't do all that, I could do about half, I could make enough to coat 20 arrows in one evening I think without it getting to costly, that would be three point three gold per time and would take up almost all my alchemy.

Otherwise you want want just the basic coatings, that make you hit like your buddy bashed them in the face with a mace at the same time, that's easier to do, and I could do all 40 at once for only Two point four gold for the whole 40, um plus arrows of course, and I can do that in one sitting pretty easy I think.

so...yeah...I'll set aside time the second night for the easier ones if that's okay?


I will be in town in a few weeks with my apprentice and we would love to help you with any of your alchemical needs. I am a master alchemist and she is a journeyman, so between us we have a lot of alchemy to go around. I am by no means trying to cut in on Jehyu business. I encourage all of you to buy from him as he has been providing your town with supplies for a while now. It seems he is running low on resources for the next faire. I will be taking order on a first come, first serve basis. I have been to you town once before and a lot of you know me from Wayside. I hope we can do some business.

Foss Siril
Master Alchemist

Please sent requests privately
so um...I won't be taking any more orders before the marketday right now, sorry if someone needs something. I got all the orders I had already done so that's good, but if someone wanted a big ol sudden emergancy batch I don't think I'll be able to make it right now, um, something came, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make things mid market day right now hopefully maybe I can

I'll see everyone in a bit over a week..
