Crafting Stuff again!


So, um, I've got a couple of orders to fill already but I think I can still finish some more projects if people want...

Let's see, Blacksmithing I think I'm making a sword for killalet, just waiting to hear back, I could silver another thing, or make something basic still too I think, nothing as big as a polearm but I could do a sword or shield or something.

Alchemy, Um I've got a couple antidotes left to sell, so I think I'm gonna make some cure light wounds elixirs, with the stuff I already promised I'll have 3 batches of 5 for sale for 6 silver a batch.

Scroll Making - right now I don't have anything specific on order, so let me know, otherwise theres usually a standard request for spell shields, shatters, and destroy scrolls.

Potion Making - All taken up, and then some, but I think I have a purify or two left for sale for 3 gold, I'll have to double check...

Also if someone who knows the real deep magic has time, maybe we could get together, I'd like to learn more about the three scrolls I have and how they work.

Are you sure your not just making up an plausible excuse for all those explosion sounds coming from your burrow Jehyu? ;)

- Tazoulti
Um, no...those are mostly experiments while I learn, potion making involves some very unstable herbs...

I would very much like to have some bolts for the new crossbow i'm making how many would you be able to make?
I ken have a couple hundred for ya, I'' just use my arrows instead and refill my stock later.

One copper each, so a hundred would be 1 gold.

Okay I'm all booked up, unless someone else wants a weapon both strengthened and silvered to, I practiced my blacksmithing some so I could do it all at once!

Speaking of Blacksmithing, I've cleared my work queue down a bit! So I'm available if anybody needs any work done for a few short projects.

May your weapons always strike true,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith & Initiate Broker
tazoulti said:
Speaking of Blacksmithing, I've cleared my work queue down a bit! So I'm available if anybody needs any work done for a few short projects.

May your weapons always strike true,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Master Blacksmith & Initiate Broker

Does this mean you might have time to teach me some stuff? I'm no dwarf, but I've got a trick or to, and maybe if you showed me the ropes some I could craft better. I got some Lumium, but Thorador said he lost his notes so he can't tell me how to use it right, maybe you know? Also Deoman was looking for some armor that is to heavy for me to make, maybe you should look him up and see if he still needs it. Last time i tried to make it I kind forgot to reinforce the hook it was hanging on while I worked on it, and now I have to repair the hole in the roof...and um...the fire damage from when the falling wood hit my furnace, and some of the wall because I didn't remember to put away all my alchemical supplies before the fire.

At any rate I'm glad you've got some free time, I've been hoping someone could help me with this crafting stuff but everyone is always so busy!

Tazoulti, if you would be willing to craft me a silver dagger, I'd be able to compensate you for the cost of materials plus a tip for having done so.
