Create Undead

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pg 113 of the rulebook, under Create Undead, states:
The new zombie is immune to all alchemical substances and the effects Charm, Death, Dominate, Ice Bolt, Ice Storm, Ice Blast, Life, Paralysis, and Sleep.

Shun and Love are command effects not listed. Is this omission intentional, or accidental? (If unintentional, then my follow-up of "What about Awaken?" is rather moot, but if the omission is intentional, does that also mean the omission of Awaken was also intentional in order to remove Shun and Love?)

Furthermore, there is no mention of Love 9, Euphoria, Enslavement or Vampire Charm, nor what should happen if Created as Undead while under either of these effects, particularly since Control Undead is not a Command effect, nor a Greater Command effect, but rather is Necromancy.

There is also no mention made of the Ice carrier, which would include packets of "X ice" either by wand or monster card, as well as weapon blows with "Ice" listed.
jpariury said:
pg 113 of the rulebook, under Create Undead, states:
The new zombie is immune to all alchemical substances and the effects Charm, Death, Dominate, Ice Bolt, Ice Storm, Ice Blast, Life, Paralysis, and Sleep.

Shun and Love are command effects not listed. Is this omission intentional, or accidental? (If unintentional, then my follow-up of "What about Awaken?" is rather moot, but if the omission is intentional, does that also mean the omission of Awaken was also intentional in order to remove Shun and Love?)

Furthermore, there is no mention of Love 9, Euphoria, Enslavement or Vampire Charm, nor what should happen if Created as Undead while under either of these effects, particularly since Control Undead is not a Command effect, nor a Greater Command effect, but rather is Necromancy.

There is also no mention made of the Ice carrier, which would include packets of "X ice" either by wand or monster card, as well as weapon blows with "Ice" listed.

Pursuant to our new communication policy, this post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here (removing this post). Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
The following clarification has been approved by the owners to answer this question:

Text change:
On page 113, in the second paragraph of the second column, the two paragraphs detailing the zombie's abilities are changed to the following (bold marks the new text):

"The zombie created will have half the Body Points the victim had in life (not including enhancement spells such as Bless), as well as any armor that is left on the corpse. Any missing or withered limbs will also be temporarily regenerated for the duration of this spell. The zombie is considered Undead in every way, and has the standard immunities and vulnerabilities of Undead. These include being immune to: alteration, command, death, ice, poison, paralysis, and waylay. In addition, the creature will take double damage from healing and be healed double by necromancy. The zombie will have no metabolism and will be affected by undead-specific spells such as Turn Undead and Sanctuary."

In other words, the standard Undead template now applies to Create Undead created zombies. If something affects Undead, it affects these guys; if it doesn't, it won't.
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