My primary is a 34th level Biata Templar that I've played for the last 9 or so years.
Lugo said:
On the down side you wont ever see yourself swinging 10s, or having an 8 block of spells, and until you hit 10th level or so your probably going to feel fairly useless in a lot of situations (however, first aid NEVER gets old, first aid everyone in sight).
Point 1 is totally false. Swinging 10s as a Templar is awesome.
If you've got an 8 block as a Templar, you should have been a scholar, or your retardedly high level (i.e. waaaaay bigger than me) or have nothing to very little else skillwise.
The uselessness lasts through 15th level, but honestly its all in how you build the character. From personal experience, buy your basics (read/write, first aid, healings, weapon & style skills) and then pick either fighter or caster, and decide which one you want to be til 15th level or so (at least). Templar with sword & boards and a 4 column and 2 levels of rituals puts you at 152 build (plus racials). Templar with sword & board, r/w, FA, HA, 8 profs and 4 parries puts you at 188 build. Both are attainable within 12 - 18 months if you work at it, and those are more or less the two benchmark points (at least for me)
Lugo said:
But come that day when you can dump 70 points of healing into yourself while you cut thru the fighting line, you suddenly LOVE the class.
Espescially while spell shielding, magic armoring and parrying your way through most of the rest of it.