Crossbow Construction

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Here is my confusion.

"Crossbows are made of closed cell foam only..."

Then on the chart of weapon specifications on the page back it lists 2" minimum tips for crossbows. But where are crossbow tips supposed to go? Its a foam sculpture...

pg.67 Under the Waylay skill
"This skill can be performed with any of the following weapons: one handed edged, one handed blunt, crossbow, small weapon...

So here is what I am confused about. In the weapons making section describing crossbow it doesn't mention open cell foam at all. Then in the chart it mentions that it requires 2" tips without saying anything about where those tips are supposed to be. And to further the fun it says you can waylay with a crossbow but no comment on whether that requires it to have tips or not. :D

Given the above, the simple question is this: do crossbows require a waylay/thrusting tip? And if so where?
Crossbows do not need a thrusting tip; the rulebook is in error when it specifies that they need one.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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