Davion's Alchemy Trade *Updated 3-21*


Colorado Staff
Greetings Fellow Adventurers and Townsfolk,
I am Davion, hunter and body guard of Allendra Castille. In order to honour my sworn duty, I am looking to trade what I make by my own hand for items I'm in need of. The following list is my most desired items. Each trade I'm offering is instantly profitable for you. I have other items (mainly scrolls) and may be interested in other items, so feel free to contact me.

Your Item (Value) traded for My Item (Value)
1 Cause Damage Globe (15) for 2 Cause Light Damage Globes (20)
2 Cause Damage Globes (30) for 1 Cause Light Damage Globe, 1 Cause Serious Damage Globe (35)
3 Boggle Teeth for 1 Cure Light Elixir (5)
5 Boggle Teeth for 2 Cure Light Elixirs (10)
1 Boggle Tooth for a Light Spell

Cause Damage Globe
Endow Potions
Cure Wounds Potions (Everything but "Light")
Spell Shield Potions
Boggle Teeth
Ice Motes
Any other unusual items for me to experiment upon.

Please, I do not usually barter in coin, as you cannot throw coin at a giant spider, fangs dripping with caustic poison... I may be occasionally persuaded by a large donation to m'lady, as seen fit by my duty. I do have some coin of my own which I am willing to use to purchase items.
Hunter Davion
Re: Davion's Alchemy Trade

Young Master,

I am an artisan myself and able to make just about anything (except traps) and am willing to sell my wares. I do trade as well, but since I can make just about anything, I do not give very favorable trades for produced items. My standard cost for items is 1.5 x what it cost me to make them. So for instance, a purify potion costs me 4 silver to make, I sell them for 6 silver.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith