Deadlands Donation List - UPDATED 5-3-08

Dar Beltaine

UPDATE: 5-3-08


First of all....Thank you so much to everyone that donated to the game. I started the drive to our opener with one truck 3/4 of the way full. We ended up packing NPC camp into 2 Trucks Full, and an extra Pick Up truck full.....Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

To that end, We are only in need of a few more items for the time being. They are as follows:

1. White Cake Make Up
2. Long & Short Claws - (going against an in place policy, we would prefer to have claws made ultra-light, NOT pvc)
3. Shields
4. Unique and cool looking ultra light swords
5. Two-handers and Polearms
6. Elf Ears - all sizes

If you plan on donating any of these items, please email me before hand so I can plan accordingly. Thank you so much.

The Phalanx is in the process of constructing 40 short claws.

They will be delivered at your May event.

Is this a suffiient number? or would you prefer more or less?

Hey Buddy,

No that's actually awesome. If you guys are up for it, we could use some long claws also. But whatever you guys donate would be great. If you can email me who should get what percentage of the gobbies, that would be great.

I am planning to make some things to bring to the May event, is larger, 3/4 inch pvc acceptable for the core of two handers and/or Polearms?
For 2-handers and polearms, PVC is fine, though the lighter you can make them the better. Obviously we would prefer ultra light for these, but we understand that it can be difficult/expensive to obtain ultra light cores for longer weapons.

Thank you so much.

We appreciate whatever you can donate.
