Deaths and Oblits


If you rezzed or even preformed a rez this past weekend please contact me. I want to make sure I have all deaths accoutned for. I thought there was more than one Oblit, but I only have Gwendara's. I only mention her since she's already talked about it IG. Anyone else, for any death, do NOT post here. Please send word to Logistics at AllianceLARP dot com.

Mike Engler
HQ Logistics
Mike I sent you an email
we need character transfers to ohio LIKE STAT

I thought I remembered 2 Oblits. If there was only one then all is well.
I only took a death, but if it makes you feel better, you can write it down as an oblit :P I don't think it'll matter either way lol
Ragnar said:
I only took a death, but if it makes you feel better, you can write it down as an oblit :P I don't think it'll matter either way lol

I'll record it as 3 oblits, Ragnar permed on the last pull from the bag. That way it will just add to the Ragnar legend! ;)
Only one oblit this weekend. I guess it wasn't as scary as I said it was going to be.

Duke Frost said:
Only one oblit this weekend. I guess it wasn't as scary as I said it was going to be.


As the recipient of said oblit, I beg to differ. ;)

you might be thinking it was more than one b/c a lot of people for some reason thought ol' Fuzzy took an oblit- it was in fact only a death. Since he really can't tell the difference, and the Glyph IG made his ressurection more difficult, it makes sense if people think it was an oblit I guess.

PS. Gobbie that thing for me. A second time, just to make sure ::LOL::
Oh yeah, Mike, can you please gobbie those two deaths?


(If you want I can send an e-mail reminder)
What was the total number of rezzes? I know it was higher than usual...
I still think my death was hilarious OOG.

Just no one tell my wild elf IG that the taint of vampirism she killed herself to remove got destroyed when the obelisk went down five minutes later. WHOOPS. :D
Mike, you are giving me more credit than I deserve ;)
There was only one oblit.
After hearing the story, about exactly what makes me upset that I happened to be just about 3 people down from where you were...and still had an parry in memory. I know others did too, but since everyone seemed to just...FORGET....if I had actually seen you sure you know the feeling...
Yeah I think everyone was too stunned, which really transferred well IG. It was an amazing moment, I wouldn't trade it even if I had drawn a black stone. :)