Death's Isles Event


On the lighter side of discussion...

I'm toying with not playing my primary PC at the Death's Isles event this year -- either playing a second character, or NPCing.

What are others thinking of doing for it?

June and July, we're at a different campsite (Meadow Mountain). As such, we'll be playing in different IG locations too!

The June event takes place in Bayenna.

The July event takes place in Death's Islands, islands off the southwest coast of the Wylands.
Just make sure you're looking at the one in Colorado; there's apparently also one in California. Very confusing!

Because the Girl Scouts reduced their camps, there is more Girl Scout use of Sky High, so we got moved to another camp out of scheduling necessities. I'm interested to see what Meadow Mountain will be like! It's apparently up Estes Park way.

To the original question tho: Who's gonna play their original character, a secondary, or NPC for a change? I can see why playing a secondary might be appealing when we're in a different location, seems like a natural choice! I will of course be playing... NPCs. ;) But probably not my usual ones since they ... will still be in New Acarthia.
Uhh, primary, I think. Its really far ahead so It depends on whats going on between now and then. Im interested in what you guys do with world travels.

Heres a video of the place. Its alright, fine for this kind of thing. The lodge will need some dressing if you're going to tavern or otherwise big-IC-building it but um...yeah... bonus is how close it is.
Nooooooo why'd it have to be plot herpes....

I'd still go to support my buds who are (Bleep) deep in Fae stuff. Like 4reel, the heck is wrong with them and chasin' fae.
It has to do with fae plot?? Boy, did I miss a memo somewhere. Well, plenty of time to figure it all out between now & then.
Sounds pretty awesome! What's the IG reasoning for going there?

Some of the speculation around this has been news to me too ^_^

The Key of Shadows plotline is tied closely to Death's Isles (this information is known to a few different groups as well as the Healers Guild) and there will be more IG reasons coming as we get closer to the event.