December Plot Meeting

Rezzik (NWC)

Traverse City Staff
We are starting to get things organized for the December event and this does mean plot meetings. We have had some interest in people joining plot for next year, so if you want to join in time to start helping with this event let me know. We can make that happen.
It looks like we will be having a plot meeting at Anique's house on Thursday, December 1st. Anyone who is interested in joining plot is encouraged to be there. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of a new season. Plot meeting should begin at 5:00 or somewhere close to that at least.
I'm going to try and be their what is the address.?

James purkiss
Will get back to you asap, Thursday is bad for me...trying to get it switched around.
Sounds like we are going with Wednesday Nov 30th. 5pm - 9 pm. My house.

(I PMd you directions)