Crafting Abilit Costs: Rulebook vs. CMA


EDIT after answer: Auric, I can't reply in this forum. Your answer makes sense, and I think I must have been misreading something about Earth's Bounty. Thanks!

Deft Dosage is listed as Cost 2 in the Rulebook:

But in the CMA "Crafting Memorization" it shows as Cost 3.

Which is correct?

Editing to add:
Earth's Bounty: It looks like Earth's Bounty is also different in the CMA than in the rulebook?

Repair Armor says "Use armor patches and refit armor more quickly." but the rulebook says nothing about patches.
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In pretty much every case, on differences, the Rulebook > CMA.

But in the CMA "Crafting Memorization" it shows as Cost 3.
Correct value is 2

Earth's Bounty: 1 - I'm seeing this cost match in both the rulebook and the CMA, can you point out where you see the difference?

Repair Armor: Rulebook description is correct.

I will update the CMA shortly to correct these differences. CMA has been updated to reflect this.
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