
To the citizens of Hopes Reach, many of you have inquired about who I would make my deputy. I have made my decision and would ask you all to congratulate Deputy Sheriff Asher on his new position. I expect you all to accord him the respect this position deserves. In matters of the law in Hopes Reach he now speaks with my authority.

-Sheriff York Winters
Congratulates Asher, Gorka proud. Asher very moral and make right.

Congratulations Deputy.

-Skye Nevermore (Elf)
Wonderful to hear such news! Asher, I hope your position as Deputy works out better than my experience as Deputy. ;)

Goodness, that was a while ago...

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Thank you for your kind words. I shall do my best to follow in the footsteps of legends.

I never knew you were a deputy of these fine lands Gandian, perhaps you'll have to tell your tale sometime; I'm sure you have much wisdom in that field.

I look forward to seeing you all again after a...thankfully almost snow-less winter of traveling.

He was deputy for around 2 minutes until Lok raised an objection.
And yes, that was a bit ago.

-Thorador Boulderfist
Thorador pretty much summed it up. :thumbsup:

Once again, I hope that your Deputy experience will be more long-lived than mine.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft