
Oh yeah! Well.... I call this desk


I call the middle seat. In the back. With my feet on the hump.

Sorry, I called shotgun already.
I'm drivin
You must have missed it, I already called shotgun for eternity
You must have missed it, I'm already on the bus and down the road.
Hammerfist said:
Oh yeah! Well.... I call this desk


I call the middle seat. In the back. With my feet on the hump.


Cherry is also favorite but not as much favorite, whole snowcone for half game.
Your debates are pointless, for i hath called thine dibs...eth
Dibseth? DIBSETH?! Thou canst not handle thine dibseth!

And whatever the dragonfruit flavor actually is...it's friggin awesome!
there are actually ice cream yummies called DIBS...but now that we're dibsing....what were we dibsing? I decide to drive and people say they're gonna take the bus instead...i'm not that bad of a driver!!!! really i'm not...::listening to the YMCA:: as for snow cone flavors i loved it when they'd do three different ones...a squirt of each! yummmmmmmmmm
*dibs confusion*
I think Sean is calling bids on killing some poor sucker.
sean plays a scary justicar!!! totally off topic here. he can have dibs...i don't want to tangle with justicar crowe
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
sean plays a scary justicar!!! totally off topic here. he can have dibs...i don't want to tangle with justicar crowe

You should've seen his Willow Elf general in NJ...with a full army of Army Ant scavvies to back him up!
That guy was a punk... I think the only person he really managed to take down was Perry ;-)