"Discarded Tales"


Wisconsin Staff
Alliance LARP Wisconsin weekend event, "Discarded Tales", to be held on May 19-21st, is open for Pre-Registration. All Pre-Reg's and payments are due by May 14th at 11:59pm. The cost will be $80 to PC for this event or to NPC for this event the cost is $25. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Saturday are included with your event fee. Pre-Regging and pre-paying for this event will knock $10-PC/$5-NPC off from the cost!

Please make all payments to alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com via Paypal or Zelle.

The event will be held at Camp Wesley Woods at 250 Stam St, Williams Bay, WI 53191 right off from Lake Geneva.

The site opens 6 PM on May 19th. Logistics AND a soft lay on will begin at 7PM with PC talk in Tavern space in Cedar Lodge and a hard lay-on at 9PM.

Layoff meeting in the lower level of Stone Lodge will be at 9AM sharp with offsite by 11am sharp on Sunday.

Pre-registration for this event should be completed on the CMA:

Send any questions or concerns to alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you for the weekend event for Alliance LARP Wisconsin.

We are requiring a 95% vaccination rate of all attendees at the event, and part of pre-registration will include proof of vaccination. Non-vaccinated players will be capped at 5% of total attendance, and if you are unvaccinated, you may be put on a “waiting list” to attend until more vaccinated players are registered. Get your vaccines, folks! With the expansion of vaccines available to the public and the amount of time before the event, there should be ample opportunity for our players to get their vaccinations in time, with the unvaccinated 5% comprising only those that are truly unable to receive the vaccine for medical reasons (allergies, immunocompromised, etc.).

Lastly, all attendees must have a current Alliance LARP Wisconsin Yearly Membership ($20) and a signed waiver on file to play.

Menu for this event is listed below!

1. Ethan R.
2. Ana N.
3. Mykal M.
4. Violet
5. Dwayne B.
6. Samantha S.
7. Jared G.
8. Sid P.
9. Anna D.
10. Ethan B.
11. Matt M.
12. Rae D.
13. Joe G.
14. Fido B.
15. Dani C.
16. Derek S.
17. Daphne P.
18. Ian S.
19. Sarah M.
20. Daniel P.
21. Rynn L.
22. Jeff S.
23. Julia S.
24. Kelly L.
25. Sam P.
26. Andy G.
27. Rowan L.
28. Elizabeth H.
29. Mike J.
30. Alex M.

1. Carrie B.
2. Nathan B.
3. Thomas M.
4. Sol G.
5. Nate M.
6. Ib A.
7. Morgan M.
8. Dani N.
9. Seamus C.
10. Ainsley S.
11. Celia D.
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Unfortunately, an oversite has occurred and our normal Stone Lodge/Miller building were double booked this weekend by the site. With that said, we now have the Cedar Lodge, serving as our Tavern/Sleeping Quarters and Oak Lodge serving as our NPC camp. While we were caught off guard by the switch, we truly believe that the event will still carry on as planned. Arrival, Check in, Game On, meal and the Menu will all still be the same. We will keep you posted as to the 'driving to drop off your luggage' situation, once Sam (our Owner) arrives onsite tomorrow afternoon.

With that said, this building does have a considerable fewer beds then Stone Lodge did. Therefore, we ask that no belongings be put on other bunks. Bunks are first come first serve. ( If you paid for a reserved room, someone will be reaching out to you!) There are plenty enough beds for the number that pre-regged players plus a few to spare, so please do not worry about not having a bunk to sleep on. Please also be aware that some players can not get on a top bunk for age/medical reasons and we ask that, if you are able to sleep on a top bunk please select those first as to preserve space for someone who can't.

We are a close group of acquaintances/friends and I am POSITIVE that we can make these alternative arrangements work for everyone. I'm sure this will be our best event of the season yet!!! Please see the images below as reference to Cedar Lodge. Thank you all for bearing with us as we do a 90 degree turn. Hold tight!!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to alliancewisconsingm@gmail.com.


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Unless you speak to staff, please do not bring your car to buildings to unload. There are a large number of people, not us, on site.

Event now Over We would love to hear your feed back so we may keep growing as a game.
