do new players have to pre reg


well the title kind of says it but say i have 2 friends that are noob and they want to join and they didn't pre reg would they still get the knock of price or full

I'd say even if they don't get the price knock off it's best to get in your character background/skills as far ahead as possible so that Plot can approve or point out anything missing/needs tweaking before you show up on friday night. I'm sure they could still make chars at the door, but trust me everyone will be happier if they send em in ahead.
New players will recieve either a %50 discount on an event or a free gameday. Pre-registering (letting us know they're comming and giving a rough idea of what they want) will also lower the price.

discounted event price = $30
discounted and pre-regged event = $25

If your friends are paiges, however, I'll have to make something up.

The lowest price that anyone will pay (including guests that don't play) is the basic site fee, which I believe is around $10.

Guild NPCs are still free because we love them to death.

As a reminder, logistics is open and pre-reges are very very welcome.

Guests that don't play... How old do guests have to be? I know that pages have to be, what, 8 yrs. old? I have 2 boys who are too young to page, but would sure be interested in watching a game from the sidelines.
If I can bring the boys (and my wife, too), as non-playing guests, then I would be keen (yes, keen) on bringing my character up from Nero Oregon (i.e. Chicken Leg Jack) for the upcomming event.
So, can I bring the whole family, or are there insurance issues, etc.?


I have a feeling (my spidey sence, or possibly it's the fact that I've reserved Miller in the past) that minimum site fee is $10 per night per person, not just $10.
You know, just in case it comes up. *coughchickenlegcoughcough*
Might want to double check Amber. (Though it's possible it's changed and I'm wrong.)

Watching backs, even if it's to kick butts,
It is, in fact, about $10/night. People who come and don't play will still be asked to pay their site fee at least (not the event fee) because we are still having to pay for them being there.

As far as people acting as spectators, I have seen this in the past and it can detract from the game if they are unruly, etc. There are no other insurance worries, per se, since all children on site have to provide proof of their own insurance (that's everyone 8-14, btw.).
White headbands, and be willing (to try) not to interact with the IG players unnecessarily. Not trying to be a jerk, but there have been times in the past that OOG observers created a large distraction amongst the players by interrupting with questions and such.
Well, it seems that my wife wasn't nearly as keen as I was, so at this point the question is only academic. But I want to be sure I have this correct: I could bring my kids, and as long as they behave themselves and don't otherwise interfere with the game, they can stay in the cabin/tent/ditch with me, yes? And the cost for this, at least at this particular site, would be $10 per head per night, also yes?



P.S. I won't be comming to the event: too much time away from the family.
Yes that would be correct.
You would have to be wearing a white head band /bandana this is to signify that you are not players characters (pcs).
The cost may change a little depending on the site we use (millersyvania is $10/night/person).

You would bring your own sleeping gear/food and the like.
But thats the same for everyone.

~Stephanie Oostman
Nero Seattle staff