Does hitting a barrier count as a miss?


If you toss a spell at an enemy, but it hits a tree, that’s a miss, right?

If you throw a packet at an enemy, but you didn’t see they were standing in a circle (dark rep at night, as an example), and it hits a barrier, that should be a miss, right?

Throw a spell at an enemy who has an active Storm, and it deflects off their Prisoned “friend”?

IMO, any barrier, be it IG or OOG, that blocks line of effect should qualify the attack as a miss (this applies to Prison, as well).

To be fair, I’d consider PR a defense and not a barrier, since it’s activated exactly like one. But if it ends up getting treated as a barrier for consistency sake, I don’t think it devalues PR at all.
Personally I think what determines if something can be meditated back should be if it uses a skill or spell up to be negated. Otherwise if no resource used against it, it should be fair game to meditate back.