Dominate Clarification/Question



I'm not quite sure where to begin, or how to word my question exactly, but here goes...

Is there a "proper" way to RP when your character is dominated?

The reason why this comes up (for me) is because at this last event, my character was dominated a couple of times and, not really knowing if there was a "right" way to act, I acted the way I see most players: I ran over in front of the NPC that dominated my character, and fought off things until I was wacked on the back of the head (thanks Solomon! :D).

However, this is not the way my character would act if, say, Polare were to give him that command. And I'm guessing that once under the effects of a dominate, the player (in this case me) would essentially think of the command-giver as the one person they'd do anything to protect. So, as Polare's in-game bodyguard and friend, Avaran would (if it wasn't considered cheesy or rude out-of-game; which is I guess what I'm really asking about) go all-out on anyone and everyone around until either the threat was gone, or he was knocked out/dead, etc., this would include using any and all of his skills without the usual running up to dominator, turning back to dominator, and defending said dominator until duration of dominate spell has run out (or otherwise purged).

I just want to make sure that doing something like that isn't considered rude/player bashing, etc. before I went ahead acted the way Avaran would act in that situation.

Thanks for your time, and I apologize for being so confusing. :/

"While dominated, the victim must perform actions to the best of his or her ability, including the use of spells and skills."

"Defend me: The target must protect the caster from all attacks to the best of their ability, even if it requires using spells and magic items. During this time, the target will not attack anyone who is not attacking them or the caster."

PG 78/79 under Dominate. Hope that helps. :)
Okay, so intent to attack isn't the same as attacking?

(That's what I'm reading/seeing.)

Thanks for the help/response. =)
The reason why this comes up (for me) is because at this last event, my character was dominated a couple of times and, not really knowing if there was a "right" way to act, I acted the way I see most players: I ran over in front of the NPC that dominated my character, and fought off things until I was wacked on the back of the head (thanks Solomon! ).

Also just thought I would add that untill the caster/alchemist gives you a command you dont have to do anything so you can beat on them all ya want..
Alabaster said:
Also just thought I would add that untill the caster/alchemist gives you a command you dont have to do anything so you can beat on them all ya want..

Not quite true, while under the effect you cannot attack the person who administered the dominate, so even if a command has not been given, you still cannot attack (unless Beserked).
aha.. maybe i misunderstood what i heard.. thanks for telling me though. :D
Jim said:
if a command has not been given, you still cannot attack (unless Beserked).

Generally speaking, that shouldn't happen. If you are under a Berserk and you come under another Command Effect, whether that is Shun, Dominate, Sleep, or Awaken, the most recent Command Effect takes precedence, per the rulebook descriptions of the various command effects.
jpariury said:
Generally speaking, that shouldn't happen. If you are under a Berserk and you come under another Command Effect, whether that is Shun, Dominate, Sleep, or Awaken, the most recent Command Effect takes precedence, per the rulebook descriptions of the various command effects.

Yep, that caveat is now nullified by the new command rules, sorry if I confused anyone-- I'm just used to adding that in.