Donation Request: Deco Team Funding! 4 gobbies per Dollar


Hello everyone!

After the decorations from the last event, the Deco Team realized that the green plastic chairs stand out like sore thumbs! So, we purchased a sample chair cover, drove down to Millersylvania, and tried it out. Good news! The chair cover fits great!

So, we will be completing a large order of chair covers for this November event! What does this mean for you?

The Deco Team needs $$ donations to buy all of these chair covers!

For a limited time (until our needed funding goal is reached) you can receive 4 goblin stamps per dollar by sending paypal funds to with the subject line "CHAIR COVERS". Please include your name in the message so logistics can be notified of your donation! Please send the transfer via the "Send Money to a Friend" option.

Our funding goal is $220 if we are able to incur enough donations by this Friday, October 26th, 2012.

If we are unable to attain $220 by this Friday we will need to upgrade the shipping, which means that our target donation will raise to $245.

Donated so far as of 10/24/12 7:30am:
$220 out of $220

Thanks for contributing to your amazing tavern!

Deco Team!
Re: Donation Request: Deco Team Funding! 4 gobbies per Dolla

Oh wow!! You guys are fantastic!!
We raised the whole goal in less than a day! Thank you!
The chair covers are on their way, ready to make their debut at the November Event!!
A huge thank you to the contributors, Barbara M, Adam S, and Gabe dlA!!!

-Alliance Seattle Deco Team
Re: Donation Request: Deco Team Funding! 4 gobbies per Dolla

Crap. I had already donated by the time I realized you had the full amount. :(
Re: Donation Request: Deco Team Funding! 4 gobbies per Dolla

Would you like me to paypal that back? :-) Thank you though!! We just reached the goal so quickly!
Re: Donation Request: Deco Team Funding! 4 gobbies per Dolla

If I can still get the 4 Gobs per dollar despite the late donation, nah, keep it. You can probably use it for something else Deco related, eventually.

If I can't, can you just paypal it to Alliance as a cash donation for me? I'll take the 3 Gobs per dollar, and just use it for blankets anyways.