Donation Request for September

Hey Guys,

Help the plot team make up some really cool monsters and effects for the weekend:

3 Hag Outfits/Wigs
Dwarf Beards (two more)
Holly Wreath/String of green leaves with red berries
Battery Operated Fog Machine
A set of Black Wings
Any Armor Reps

We also need someone to help with a major rebuild of most monster camp weapons to ensure safety for next season. Please contact us if you are able to help here.

edited to adjust for whats claimed*
I'm already working on the Goren axehammer, Paul. :thumbsup:
3 Hag* outfits/wigs are needed

Any other non-tube: Grey and green makeup is much appreciated as well.

I'll help with the repairs.
The trap reps, do you mean something like a bear trap physical rep or a trap made from a mouse or something similar?
ok, I have some traps I made using the suggestion from the book, but instead of a buzzer it's a light. I'll make some more. Also many feet of costume chain do we need?
For the chain enough to wrapp a guy shoulder to shoulder in two directions, minimum, would be even cooler if more then that. But I'll take what I can get.
ok, I have 25 ft of plastic black chain, hope that is enough. plus 5 traps,( 2 lights, 3 buzzers)
I got some beards for our sexy dark dwarves!
Hey, could someone please bring some black electrical tape and/or some grip tape for using on a weapon handle? I made the new axehammer, but I forgot to bring material to wrap the handle with to my dorm.
no worries, I have some
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Hey, could someone please bring some black electrical tape and/or some grip tape for using on a weapon handle? I made the new axehammer, but I forgot to bring material to wrap the handle with to my dorm.
Want me to bring some hockey tape?
