Donations 2011


We talked about a donation list for the upcoming year, especially because game-appropriate things are pretty cheap after Halloween. Mind you this list is incomplete and will be updated, but here are some idea's so far.
-WEAPONS!!!!! (if its too costly talk to me, we have plenty that can just be remade)
-Fog machine
-Fangs/tusks (vampires and orcs)
-Game appropriate shirts of various colors
-Game appropriate pants of various colors

If you are interested in making specific clothing items contact me as well. We do have some more specific costuming needed for certain npcs. Thanks again.

do you need horns like for MWEs ? i make them and have a bunch i just got done, ruffly 10 sets still looking for a good home

let me know how many sets u want shipped off and where to send them if u want, thanks
Honestly I cant say we are in the need for horns at this time. Thank you very much for letting us know, if we do end up needing more in the future I will certainly be in contact with you.

What type of weapons are most needed?
-little to no two handed weapons
-very few functional short/long swords
-absolutely no hammers
-i think we may have one axe

We have more claws then u can shake a stick at.

Ok, good to know, it is quite possible some of us from minnesota will bring some weapons to donate
Can I get an estimate on how many gobbies a UL Long Sword will get, and a UL Two hander and/or Polearm?
I know it may depend on the quality, but an estimate would be appreciated.
Tank said:
-little to no two handed weapons
-very few functional short/long swords
-absolutely no hammers
-i think we may have one axe

For the sake of clarity...

Does this reply mean you HAVE... "little to no two-handed..." etc. ?
or does it mean you NEED "little to no two-handed..." etc. ?

We have enough 1" PVC for up to four pole-arms here. We've already made two Glaives but we can make something else if you like.
we NEED two handers etc.

re: 1" PVC that doesn't make them too heavy? I'm interested.

jwconvery said:
re: 1" PVC that doesn't make them too heavy? I'm interested. - Joe

I dunno. I'm not sure what your local definition of "heavy" is. As far as I know these were built by-the-book and they're definitely wieldable.
I actually used to play a character that used polearms and I always used 1" pvc. It was never too heavy, in fact if you used anything less it would be far too whippy to play with. You won't be throwing these things around like a speed stick, but they're easy enough to wield. Out of curiosity, what do you normally make polearms out of? The only other option I've seen is metal conduit and that is waaaaay heavier than pvc.

I'm actually curious as to how many gobbies you give for standard polearms and 2h weapons? I know we're supposed to send in our character sheets ahead of time but I'm not really sure how this works since we won't really know how many BP we'll get until we donate these weapons.

P.S. I also have a pair of simple black wrap pants and a very simple red renaissance shirt. About how much could I expect for something like this if we were to start at the bottom of the scale and work our way up?
.750 (or so) Kitespar makes good lite 2handers that are stiff enough and are much liter then pvc
For Donations:

Potentially looking at bringing
Fog machine + chemical
assorted weapons
Big *** NPC shield 48" tall
skull and bone based leather armor
Various costumes...

Any of these not needed?