Donations for a Task


Chicago Staff
I'm looking for either donations or to purchase the below items for a task to be done in 7 days time. If anyone has any of the below to contribute to Horizon, or to sell, that would be greatly appreciated. The task is very important, and the below items ares much needed to it's success:

1. Magical Items that will lose it's magic after 8/7/1515. Preferably something that will lose potency in September or Octorber, but later works as well. The key is a Magical Item that has a little bit of magic left on it.

2. The following Reagents closely tied to these lands.
- Penna
- Pyrotis
- Fangtooth
- Nightshade
- Cariousus
- Feyander

Thank you,
Druid Asher,

Does it matter if the item is Celestial or Earthen in nature? I may have an item that I could donate.

Please let me know,
Lady FallingStar

Lady Liddia,

It can be either.

Thank you,
I also have an item that might be of use for this. It will be good to see you again Asher.

An important task eh? I may not be able to provide ritual reagents, nor any more magic items for the meantime. However, I find myself in need of your assistance, and in exchange I could create something else to benefit your cause, wouldn't want to spoil any surprises now, I'll fill you in on the details privately if you'd like, or I can explain in person this Saturday. Or both, the matter of the discussion doesn't terribly concern me.

-Professor Laurel Sinae

I am most interested. Please feel free to write or simply stop by Horizon.

Druid Asher,

I have searched my stores and sadly I do not have anything that looses it magic during that time. I have an item that looses it magic in July. I will keep an eye out for you. Please message me as to what reagents you still need and I may be able to get them to you in July.

Thank you,
Lady FallingStar
I may have a magic item that should expire on 9/29/1515 contact me privately if you are still looking for magic items
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