
Hey! I thought I'd just throw a quick post out there asking if there are things you guys would be interested in for donations? I like to try and make stuff for chapters I'm just visiting and maybe get myself enough gobies to blanket an event or two later some day so I thought I would ask. I can make lots of stuff... :)
Here's the list from Seattle's Web forum):

Note: They generally like being informed via their boards or email first.

Please note that items listed in bold are desperately needed, while items listed in italics are needed only in low quantities.

Solid color tabards - 3gs per dollar spent, must be hemmed
Solid color tunics - 5gs per dollar spent
Costuming pants
Large sized costuming (UP TO MALE XXXL)- 7gs per dollar spent
Special tabards (by plot request only, please) - 5gs per dollar spent

Acceptable solid colors are as follows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, white, or grey.
All tabards and costuming must be finished (no unhemmed edges) and ready to wear.
Bonus goblin stamps may be awarded on a case-by-case basis for exceptional work.

Alchemy/Spell - 2gs per 3 packets
Arrow (by request only)- 1gs per packet

All packets received must be of legal make; failing packets will be rejected and receive zero goblin stamps.


Type - Normal / Ultralight

Bludgeon - 10 / 15
Bow - 35 / 90
Crossbow - 15 / -
Dagger - 10 / 15
Hatchet - 15 / 20
Javelin - 15 / -
Long Axe - 40 / 80
Long Hammer - 40 / 80
Long Mace - 40 / 80
Long Sword - 40 / 80
Polearm - 45 / 120
Sap - 10 / 15
Short Axe - 30 / 60
Short Hammer - 30 / 60
Short Mace - 30 / 60
Short Sword - 30 / 60
Spear - 35 / 70
Staff - 30 / 80
2-H Blunt - 55 / 110
2-H Sword - 50 / 100
Short Club/Branch - 35 / 70
Long Club/Branch - 45 / 90[/b]
Claws (dagger) - 10 / 15
Claws (short sword) - 30 / 60
Claws (long sword) - 40 / 80
Claws (2-H sword) - 50 / 100
Boulder - 15 / -
Shield - Varies by quality, 30-100
Thrown (rock) - 2 / -
Thrown (dagger) - 5 / -
Thrown (special) - 10 / -

All weapons must pass inspection by a marshal before being accepted for goblin stamps.
Weapons must be 100% finished, including waylay and thrusting tips.
If a donated weapon breaks the weekend it is donated (due to conditions other than misuse) goblin stamps awarded will be halved.
Weapons must be normal colors (silver, black, brown for weapons; red for claws) unless requested otherwise.
Swords must have a crosspiece.
Bonus goblin stamps may be awarded on a case-by-case basis for special requests and exceptional work.

5/8"-3/4" wall closed cell pipe foam - 15gs per 12 ft
Kitespar pole (505) - 15gs
Kitespar pole (610+) - 30gs
Open cell foam (2" thick) - 10gs per sqft
Open cell foam (4" thick) - 20gs per sqft
Makeup (Mehron or Ben Nye only please) - 3gs per dollar spent
Baby wipes - 3gs per dollar spent
Racial prosthetics (ears, horns, scavenger noses, etc) - 2gs per dollar spent
Beards, sideburns - 4gs per dollar spent
Wigs - 3gs per dollar spent
Makeup wedges - 3gs per dollar spent
Birdseed (sunflower seed-free millet by preference) - 3gs per dollar spent
Fabric (contact plot for needs)- 3 gs per dollar spent
Potion vials (6ml MINIMUM, with caps) - 3gs per dollar spent

If you wish to make a large item donation please contact the staff to discuss needs and goblin stamp compensation.
Could someone post the link to the specific place on the forums that this list is. For some reason my stupidity can't find it... :?
Thanks! Is there someone I could email just to double check and let them know what I'd plan on making to donate?
I'd suggest PMing Dave (Dave) or Matt O (obcidian) on the Seattle forums. If they aren't the right people, they should be able to point you to who it is. My guess, though, is that at least one of those two should be able to take care of you.

You can also send a PM to the entire plot or staff user group on the Seattle forums, which would send it to all of the plot persons.